Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Ovid: the Art of Love
Ovid: The Art of Love There have been numerous questions that have always confused mankind since the early days. The significance of life, how everything functions, is there a god of every single topic that still confuses humans. Although those concepts create a good argument, a topic that is time consuming in our lives is how to pick up on women. A main example of how old that problem has bothered men is in the book of Ovid: The Art of Love. We independently come up with our own style of picking up on a female through personal experiences and knowing stories.The majority advice given by Ovid is dead to me but there are a few things I do concur. Ovid seems like a man who has a well-built resume of being familiar with women as well as learned from other stories. The majority things he said in the book I am already familiar with and while I was reading I laughed at how time affects this topic very little. The first thing I have noticed was Ovid’s recommendation of judging a woma n only during the day because all perspectives change when the combination of night and drinking are mixed. Even during the day can be difficult.You are walking behind them saying in your mind, â€Å"She is attractive†. But once you get the opportunity to pass by them and take a quick look back how many times have I said, â€Å"What was I thinking? †Nighttime is very similar but to an even greater degree. It isn’t until you are close enough to say if she is cute or not. This also goes for nightclubs where it is intentionally dark and misleading. Women that you danced with and looked marvelous the entire night immediately transform when the place is lighted up. That is why you get the digits in a lighted area if you are concerned about the looks.If not, then by all means take advantage of the darkness. In the present day, very little have maids so getting familiarized with the woman’s maids is getting familiar with her friends in a platonic manner, for th e time being at least. If a woman likes you but her friends don’t then the all she is going to hear from them is how you do not deserve her and how an awful person you are. Every mistake you commit will be blown out of proportion and if you do something good will be rendered as you being phony and saying all sorts of things just aiming to get into her pants.Ovid having knowledge of keeping yourself in shape and clean in the era of very few baths and dirt is beyond impressive. Being lazy, dirty or unfit is a bad sign for women that there will be little effort at anything including a relationship. You do not necessarily need to wear fancy clothes but wearing dirty clothes is a turn-off in my opinion. We live in a heavyset nation where being fit not only benefits your health but is also an advantage to your interactions with the ladies. It does not necessarily mean you have to be a body builder but most girls find it a plus when a guy is athletic and can keep up.Makes them aware of you not being afraid of a workout. Compliments and flatteries may take you far if done in a subtle and discreet method. Considerably, I hear guys who spit game in a very direct and sometimes insulting manner. Speak to women in ways that flatter them and make them blush. Lying in this case is not only recommended but at times necessary. If she has a voice that cracks glass say it is a melancholic voice that sooths the mind and soul. It’s a white lie and really no harm comes from it. Ovid has the fair idea on how to deal with a sad woman.When she gets pissed off, don’t accumulate on her current troubles. The best thing is to be there for her, hear her problems and always support her decisions even if the issue is stupid or non-existent. Non-existent problems are abundant times that are self-esteem related but can just be made up problems such as why is. No matter what she says hold her and don’t let go, not in a sexual way just show her that you are there for her. â€Å"I’m the poor man’s poet, was poor myself as a lover, couldn’t afford gifts, so spun words. †The rich and the poor have two very different ways of wooing a girl. Girls praise a poem, but go for expensive presents:†Who needs a crappy poem when you can give diamonds. In my opinion, money doesn’t always bring success, but does make things a lot easier. Regardless of money entities and personality is needed for love to happen, love of money is different as loving someone. Money comes and goes rapidly opposed to feelings linger. One aspect I do disagree with is being the woman’s slave and allowing her to cheat on you. It is acceptable to please her and allow her to have it her way to a certain extent but being her slave is a huge negative.Be attentive to her but do not let her become your everything. Allow for each other some space for you to hang out with the guys every so often and let her be out with the girls. Even if they g o clubbing, they just remain in their own small circle of friends and reject all guys that confront them. Be her friend, her lover and her emotional support opposed to being her slave. If you catch her cheating then it becomes a different story. Do you decide to leave her because she is not trustworthy and might be repetitive with her actions or stay and work things out.I would say leave her because there are so many fishes left in the sea and you are too valuable for a woman to treat you like you are nothing to her. One thing that most males do not learn from and Ovid mentioned is that competition creates a wanting feeling. I am not saying to purposely go out, cheat on her and force them both to compete for your love. Do not let her flirtatious ways blind you, which she mostly cannot help being flirtatious. Since the beginning, you noticed she was a flirt and cannot go wrong there.Instead of getting mad step your game up and flirt as well. Demonstrate to her she is not the only one that can get attention from the opposite sex. Again, do not go as far as to get another woman’s phone number while she is right next you which is a mindless move. Ovid got into too much detail and expected women to be close to perfect to get a guys’ attention because it does not take much effort to catch our eyes. One thing for women is to not be lazy because if you are then it might seem you are kind of boring and result our conversations to be short and dull.Do not look filthy, just make sure your clothes are clean and you smell good. The best approach is just make sure you don’t look like you haven’t taken care of yourself in months. Also be fit and healthy, I find that very attractive in a girl. You may call it curves and what not but if that is what you look like now what are you going to look like when your metabolism slows down and age starts revealing. Do not cheat, it is understandable if you are a flirt and you might not be able to help it but there is a huge difference between innocent flirting and flirting on purpose.This goes to the flirting subject, do not try and make your special someone jealous more often than not it leads to complications. Be there for your guy when he has troubles. We seem to be immune to emotions but that’s hardly the case, we just hide them way better. Beware of guys with the wrong intentions. If you are not sure if a guy has the right intentions ask the guys that know him and more likely they will tell you the truth because they themselves don’t like seeing girls get hurt by his actions. Allow us to protect you in some way or form even though we know you’re an independent woman.We have the natural instinct to protect our partner. Chivalry is not dead it’s just rare. Don’t give into our every wish and don’t expect to have every demand met we both have our opinions and beliefs. A relationship is working through them in a mutually benefiting manner. Know how your friends are and be sure to keep an eye on those who are seen with different guys constantly they might go after yours. When it comes to the sensual arts, don’t give in too easy. Let desire, passion, lust build up until it just explodes in a fury of ecstasy.Tell the guy what you like and what you don’t, if he doesn’t listen then he doesn’t deserve you. The opposite sex will always seem very distant and strange but in reality we share most of the same desires and needs. People grow with their morals and opinions set a certain way, when they meet someone they like those ideals might into question that is why we have conflicts and that is why we appear to be so different. This will always confuse both men and women but for love to occur mutual understanding as well as trust needs to take place.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Branches of Philosophy Essay
1. Logic Logic is the science and art of correct thinking. It attempts to codify the rules of rational thought. Logicians explore the structure of arguments that preserve truth or allow the optimal extraction of knowledge from evidence. Logic is one of the primary tools philosophers use in their inquiries; the precision of logic helps them to cope with the subtlety of philosophical problems and the often misleading nature of conversational language. 2. Ethics. Ethics is the study of the nature of right and wrong and good and evil, in terms both of considerations about the foundations of morality, and of practical considerations about the fine details of moral conduct. Moral philosophers may investigate questions as sweeping as whether there are such things moral facts at all, or as focused as whether or not the law ought to accord to rape victims the right to an abortion. 3. Metaphysics Metaphysics is the study of the nature of things. Metaphysicians ask what kinds of things exist, and what they are like. They reason about such things as whether or not people have free will, in what sense abstract objects can be said to exist, and how it is that brains are able to generate minds. 4. Epistemology Epistemology is the study of knowledge itself. Epistemologists ask, for instance, what criteria must be satisfied for something we believe to count as something we know, and even what it means for a proposition to be true. Epistemology is sometimes referred to as the â€Å"theory of knowledge. †5. Axiology Axiology is philosophical the study of value; the investigation of its nature, criteria, and metaphysical status. More often than not, the term â€Å"value theory†is used instead of â€Å"axiology. †6. Aesthetics Aesthetics is the study of value in the arts or the inquiry into feelings, judgments, or standards of beauty and related concepts. Philosophy of art is concerned with judgments of sense, taste, and emotion. Other Divisions of Philosophy 1. Philosophy of the Mind 2. Philosophy of the Person 3. Political Philosophy 4. Social Philosophy 5. Philosophy of Language 6. Philosophy of Science 7. Philosophy of Art 8. Philosophy of Language 9. Philosophy of Religion 10. Philosophy of Law 11. Philosophy of Education 12. Philosophy of History _______________________________ Cruz, Corazon L. 2005. Philosophy of man (third edition). Mandaluyong City: National bookstore Divisions and definition of philosophy. 2005. Available at http://philosophy. lander. edu/intro/what. shtml. Retrieved last November 8, 2010. Gripaldo, Rolando M. 2008. Philosophy, Sophism/Sophistry, and Pilosopo. Included in The philosophical landscape : A panoramic perspective on philosophy. Quezon City: C&E Publishing. Vuletic, Mark I. 2010. What is philosophy? Available at http://www. vuletic. com/hume/ph/philosophy. html. Accessed last November 8, 2010.
Norm Violation Essay
After doing the three norm violations for my midterm project in Social Psychology, I was really relieved. The entire nervous breaking act as whatever that will draw people’s attention to me made me partly pity myself. I pity myself for making me look like a fool, but nevertheless, it gave me a sense of joy thinking that I really did it not just for the sake of completion and to get good grades, but I did it because of curiosity and for the satisfaction of my inner craving for new adventure. And by doing the three norm violations, I came to conclude that we are all unconsciously controlled by the norms our society sets and that sank into the very depths of our minds making us live like robots. People nowadays are like robots, doing their day-to-day activities in a pattern that conforms to the usual norm in their society. No more thrills and excitement, no more craving for adventure, no more childish acts, and that’s all because we all wanted to fit in and do things aligned to what is tagged as â€Å"normal.†So this project is really a breath of fresh air to me. This has been an eye opener, a bell that wakes every vein in my body, like electricity that flows to my brain that shocks every synaptic activity. Now I’m conscious, conscious enough to make my life more worth living by not conforming to the pattern of norms embroided to every corner of humanity. I apologize for my exaggeration, but I am just inspired. And I like to exaggerate when I’m inspired. Anyways, the bottom line here is that I’m glad I made this project for it made me realize what’s keeping people in coming out of their shell, and that is the idea that if they do something that is not normal even if that’s what they’ve always wanted to do, they’ll be labelled as â€Å"weird.†Based on experience, it’s really self degrading when people look at you with such scornful eyes because of projecting something that does not fit their tastes. So I can’t blame those whose faces are as thick as my psychology book because they have become numb of all the critics and judgments that pass through their tympanic membrane like a steel being dragged out of force in a glass road. I don’t know which part of my four lobed brain all these words are coming from, but I guess I have made my point and I hope it’s clear.
Monday, July 29, 2019
1) Define and discuss what constitutes a successful organisation. 2) Coursework
1) Define and discuss what constitutes a successful organisation. 2) Use an example organisation to recommend appropriate performance indicators and justify your choice - Coursework Example Organizations have a structure and management that guides its operations to achieve its objectives. This structure guides the members on whom to do, what to do, when to do, where to do it and to whom. This structure helps in smooth running of the activities (Cohen et al., 2008). Each organization has stakeholders who play different roles to achieve its goals. For instance, profit making organizations stakeholders are: employees, customers, government, shareholders, investors, suppliers, creditors and society as whole. All these stakeholders are very important to any successful organization. The market is becoming competitive day in day out. Therefore, for any organization to feature in the local and global market, it has to meet the current trends of business. The following qualities constitute a successful organization. Firstly, a successful organization must have a management structure. Management is the foundation to a successful organization. The management provides leadership to all the workers in the organization. For instance, researchers consider the mixed type of management best when dealing with a large organization whereas a flat management is preferable in small organizations. Mixed management consists of three levels of management: top, middle and operational or low level. The top management makes the final decisions for the organization and the head is general manager or the chief executive officer. Additionally, top managers make the strategic decisions that aim at achieving the organization goals. Middle management makes the department decisions (Daft & Marcic, 2013, p. 54-56). The departments include sales and marketing, finance, accounting and so many others. Departmental managers head these departments. The manager is responsible for making decisions that facilitates effectiveness and efficiency in the department. The middle managers are answerable
Sunday, July 28, 2019
HR article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HR article review - Essay Example With an identified knowledge gap in the relationship between human resource practices and employees’ performance, the study investigated relationships between human resource management practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, employees’ participation, reward, maintenance, and separation, and employees’ performance. A cross sectional survey design was implemented and data collected a sample of 285 participants, out of which 198 offered the required information. A scale was used to aid data collection and regression analysis used to investigate relationships between the different human resource management practices and employees’ performance. Results identified significance of some of the human resources practices but not all. Recruitment and selection, level of employee involvement in an organization, reward, and maintenance had significant effects on employee performance. Other practices identified insignificant relationships to employee performance. The factors were further correlated and the authors recommends continuous evaluation of the human resource management practices in an organization because of effects of time factor and the developed knowledge is significant and comprehensive to human resource management that deals with issues relating to organizations’ employees (Tabiu and Nura 247- 256). Tabiu, Abubakar, and Nura, Abubakar. â€Å"Assessing the effects of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee job performance: A study of USMANU Danfodiyo University Sokoto†. Journal of Busines Studies Quarterly 5.2 (2013), 247-259,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Lab 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lab 2 - Essay Example Bases cause the litmus to turn blue. Strength of a base is dependent on concentration of OH- ions produced. On the pH scale, basicity of a substance increases from 7 to 14: 7 being neutral and 14 being strongest base (one that generates maximum OH- ions when dissolved). Name two acid and bases that you often use. Acids: Milk, Orange Juice Bases: Soap, Tooth paste Cube Dimensions Surface Area (cm2) Volume (cm3) Surface Area : Volume Time Required for Complete Color Change Distance of Diffusion 1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm 6 1 6:1 3 min 0.50 cm 1 cm X 2 cm X 2 cm 16 4 4:1 2 min 50 sec 0.30 cm 1 cm X 1 cm X 6 cm 36 6 6:1 2 min 42 sec 0.48 cm How did the surface area effect the diffusion of the cube? What about the volume? What about the surface area to volume ratio? Which of these had the greatest effect on the diffusion of the cube? Time required for complete color change is found to be approximately same for all three cubes (average time: 2 minutes 50 seconds) which concludes that rate of diffu sion of vinegar into the agar is same irrespective of shape and size. Further, volume had no impact on the time required for color change. No regular trend has been observed for distance of diffusion of vinegar inside the agar with respect to surface area or volume, when each is considered alone. Ideally, greater distance of diffusion should have been found in Cube B ( 1 cm X 2 cm X 2 cm) as compared to Cube A ( 1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm) as it has the greater surface area (larger surface area enhances amount of diffusion); however, the irregular pattern reveals that there is a third factor that has a direct bearing on the distance of diffusion. Studying the results of the experiment, it becomes evident that surface area to volume ratio is the single parameter that majorly affects the amount of diffusion of vinegar into the agar. Cube A ( 1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm) and Cube C (1 cm X 1 cm X 6 cm) having same surface area to volume ratio yield the same distance of diffusion. On the other hand, cub e B ( 1 cm x 2 cm x 2cm) tails at 0.3 cm. Even though greater amount of vinegar diffuses in to cube B than in cube A due to greater surface area, a larger time period is required for it to reach the center. In conclusion, the experiment demonstrates that depth of diffusion is lesser for materials having smaller surface areas to volume ratio than that with higher surface area to volume ratio. How does this experiment demonstrate the need for larger cells to divide? A cell meets its requirements for growth, repair and removal of waste materials through its cell membrane, the amount of transfer directly relating to its surface area. More so, the extent of movement of substances into a cell-towards its center- depends upon its size and volume. An increase in cell size is accompanied with an increase in requirements of the cell. More nutrients need to be diffused in and a greater amount of waste materials require to be diffused out. Consequently, a mechanism needs to be established that would allow a rapid transfer of substances through the cell membrane. As the cell is grows uncontrollably without division, the surface area to volume ratio decreases. This limits the distance to which substances diffuse into the cell, posing a restriction to the functionality of various components of the cell-especially those located towards the center. To counter this, it
Friday, July 26, 2019
Theories of Harnold Innis and the internet Essay
Theories of Harnold Innis and the internet - Essay Example Innis would have analyzed the Internet as something else because it promotes both oral and written traditions; however, it also diverges from these traditions and presents an opportunity for balancing them, if only content producers, distributors, and consumers focused on using the Internet for preserving the positive characteristics and ends of oral and written traditions. The Internet preserves both oral and written traditions to varying extents. The Internet is a form of written tradition to some extent because of its ability to be produced quickly and to be shared efficiently with many people (Week 2, 4). An example is writing a blog that anyone can see if it is set to public viewing. The Internet can also produce shallow information that does not tackle long-term values, as Innis noted about written traditions. The Internet does not preserve written tradition alone, however, because, while Innis’ definition of written tradition lacks many features of oral tradition, the Internet can enable oral communication. An example is a video call. I can call my friend and I can hear her voice and see her facial expressions, gestures, and other forms of non-verbal expressions (Week 3, 2). On this regard, the Internet defies the restrictions of written traditions. Furthermore, the Internet also promotes written traditions because it can â€Å"dumb down †human functions for creativity and critical thinking (Salutin). To some extent, the Internet can make people lack creativity and critical thinking skills if it trains people to want to read short articles without full analysis. Nevertheless, the Internet has its oral traditions too. Though not all users practice oral traditions through the Internet, there are social spaces for deeper thinking and interactions. TED talks and forums that encourage real-time or delayed interaction for exploring long-term human values and issues are examples of oral traditions. The Internet can provide spaces for people
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Accounting article, read and answer the questions Article
Accounting , read and answer the questions - Article Example While these conflicts of interest are very real, they note that we often dismiss them as unimportant, or having no effect. This is because we believe that these professions and professionals adhere to a strong system of ethical standards. But, according to the authors, such conflict of interest situations do have a very marked effect. Thus they suggest a theory of â€Å"moral seduction†which allows most professionals to accept conflict of interest as inevitable and harmless. In addition, they cite Kunda (1990) and argue that people are naturally self-serving. Furthermore, auditors work within a framework of incentive and accountability – the authors cite Bazerman, Morgan & Lowenstein, 1997 – and hence are just as susceptible to subjectivity and bias as any other professionals. 3. The argument of the writers convincingly states that both on an in individual, psychological, and cognitive level, and on a broader social, and political level, conflicts of interest have come to be taken very lightly. Therefore, even if someone wants to bring about reform, and stop dishonest, biased practice within the auditing industry, he/she would face many difficulties. Changing mindsets about conflict of interest within society generally would be required, not just change among auditors. 4. The authors refer to Moore & Lowenstein (2004) to suggest that corporate ethics changed from what is morally right to what is technically legal. Restated, they claim that a set of values-based beliefs – about honest reporting, accountability, and accuracy – were replaced by a less morally- based approach. Auditors were able to justify any inaccuracy, or even misrepresentation of financial information, by finding legal loopholes. So, where the necessity existed for misreporting, auditors would find a way to justify that misrepresentation in the law, an external system, rather
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Criminology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Criminology - Case Study Example The availability and computing of crime statistics is a vital component of law enforcement. Crime statistics provide us with important facts that theories must then explain. During the increased crime rate of USA during 1980s, the criminologist's strugged to justify the unexplained increase in crime rate throughout the nation. However, during 1990s the same country experienced a reduction in the crime rate and thus it is now essential for criminologists to discover the root causes of crime in order to understand this trend. The who, when, where, how of crimes is addressed by the quantitative techniques of measuring crime and which are vital in answering the why of crimes. Measuring criminal behavior is not just an academic exercise in futility, for it can fruitfully be used in evaluating criminal justice policy initiatives, policing, judicial and correctional administration amongst various other uses. Siegel, (183-227) believed that criminal behavior was a function of the human ability to choose an individual course of action. Psychological theories of crime which justify the reduction in crime rate during 1990s began with the view that individual differences in behavior may make some people more predisposed to committing criminal acts. These differences may arise from personality characteristics, biological factors, or social interactions. There are many other theories that attempt to explain criminal behavior, but that is beyond the scope of this essay. Now, having learnt about crime and criminology, it is now necessary to throw some light on the root causes of crime. Discussion Although there were several specific crimes which were on the rise during the increased crime rate of 1980s, those crimes experienced a reduction during 1990s. However, while interest in crime has always been high, understanding of why it occurs and what to do about it has always been a problem. Public officials, politicians and 'experts' offer simple and incomplete solutions for obliterating crime, whereas academe invariably offers abstract interpretations and suggestions that often have little practical value. As in most areas of human behavior, there is no shortage of experts but there are very few effective solutions (American Journal of Sociology, 3920-4259) According to Siegel (183-227) criminologists studying the trend of crime rate in USA during 1980s and 1990s have rarely shown interest in the aspect of situational crime prevention. Criminologists develop theories and conduct research to understand and explain criminal behavior. A theory attempts to make sense out of many disparate observations (or facts) by stating a general principal that connects, integrates and explains them. A good theory is extremely valuable in that it extends our knowledge beyond the facts in front of us (the raw data), enabling us to predict how others might behave at another time and in another place (, 2007). Criminological theories based on biology, psychology were both, at one stage dominant in the field; however the vast majority of current criminological text employs sociological theory and research. Biological and psychological explanations will be examined in the following essay; however there will be a focus on sociological theory. It has been said that a theory of criminal conduct is weak indeed if it is uninformed by a general psychology of human
Paper 2 about Chinese media industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Paper 2 about Chinese media industry - Essay Example Although there are still reports of suppression by the state of independent media sources, there is tacit encouragement given to these media sources to participate in China’s culture industry and the media. Moreover, although state authorities continue to exert control on the use of domestic private capital in the core production of news items, there is increased recognition of this capital should play in china. Taken together, the media system in China is characterized by the domineering role of state capital in controlling the media’s heights, whereas private capital makes investments in production and sales. This has led to a system where the state continues to exert ideological control of the media, while also enabling the cultural and media markets to respond better to the needs and preferences of popular Chinese culture (Zhao, 2008). The Chinese state authorities have managed to gain increasing managerial and regulatory control over the media system, playing a gate-keeping role that enables it accumulate capital by strategically controlling media outlets and subsequent rental-seeking behavior. On the other hand, the state has sought to increasingly outsource most of the distribution and production work, thus giving up its ‘heavy lifting’ role to private capitalists (Zhao, 2008). In turn, the character and nature of private capital in the domestic media market has been transformed from private capitalist owners with a media background to industrial conglomerate owners embedded within the current power structure. For example, there is a growing class of financial capitalists in the media industry who view the industry as a new capitalist frontier, rather than a medium for cultural expression and social communication. In addition, there is a significant shift towards the incorporation of domestic priva te capital into transnational capital’s distribution
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
New Original Programme Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
New Original Programme - Coursework Example Music programmes began to rise in the 1990s with the coming of many music genres. Most of them provided a countdown of hit songs as voted by fans. The 21st century came with numerous changes in the presentation of programmes. Few categories of programmes existed, and the shift has seen the inclusion of new categories of programmes. Specialization within the programming sector of TV can be attributed to the rising demand for new programmes. Design of programmes continues to change immensely in the aim to satisfy the growing number of viewers, and their needs. The producers of programmes can link the demographics of viewers with the increase in specialization. Specialization has also been extensively utilized in the TV channels. The channels continue to specialize as a way of cutting a market niche for themselves in the extremely competitive airwave market. MTV, for example, is a TV channel dedicated only to music. Specialization continues to be extremely attractive to numerous players in the industry. New programme According to Jevon Saba, 2011, the most popular programmes for 2010 were fiction series programmes. This was based on the international popularity assessment conducted in 2011. Around the globe, these programmes led in the number of views as well as popularity from persons questioned. Music programmes have not been popular owing to the fact that they target a specific group of viewers. This immensely affects their popularity with groups of different demographic. The new programme proposed in this report shall be an analysis and interpretation show. The set up proposed shall be of a talk show or panel show. The programme shall be analyzing music related issues and discussing the progress achieved in music. Over the years, musicians have continued to use talk shows as a way of popularizing themselves to the masses. A music talk show shall present a platform for music related matters to be discussed. The popularity of talk shows increases in relation to the content and the host. This field of shows continues to gain popularity in the 21st century due to their content (Banerjee et al 2006). Many viewers see them as avenues of collecting information about fundamental elements of interest in life. The new music talk show shall give an opportunity to producers of records a chance to be seen in public. Enough information shall be availed to the viewers from the interviews conducted during the talk show. The entertainment aspect in talk shows can be presented in the different elements involved in the show. The show shall be a 40 minute programme. The host shall introduce the guests for each show and ask the several questions. This shall form the first part of the show. The second part shall involve the audience in the studio asking questions to the guest while the last part shall be for viewers to ask their questions via telephone. Each part shall be ten minutes long and the two commercial breaks shall each be five minutes. The commercia l breaks shall allow for the sponsors and advertisers to run short commercials during the programme time. Talk show hosting Talk show hosting continues to be popular in the 21st century. Larry king and Oprah Winfrey are some of the best internationally recognized icons of talk show hosting. In the music industry however the talk shows have been very few. The new programme shall seek the services of a renowned personality within the industry. The proposed programme seeks to have Kabelo Ngakane hosting the talk show and conducting the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Stereotyping Essay Example for Free
Stereotyping Essay Many would agree that stereotyping can be seen as an individual’s preconception about another individual depending on race, color, gender, or religion. Once an individual has built a stereotypical opinion he or she would view the communication and actions individuals of a different race, color, gender, or religion with prejudice. Racial stereotyping is an extremely detrimental facet of stereotyping. It actually paves the way for outright racism, which can cause communication barriers on multiple levels. For example, a stereotypical individual feels that some people are more intelligent that others due to their race, or the color of their skin. Racial stereotyping can lead to the suppression of the minority population in an area by the dominant culture, and this hinders societal development. The practice of racial stereotyping through the use of the media has been used throughout history by some members of society to attain various goals. The most effective way to get peoples reaction about an issue is through the media. Racial stereotyping is perpetuated highly through the film and television media, so it is important for people to mind what they watch, and how sincere the materials are being represented. In addition, a lot of movies are racially stereotypical. For example, in the movies members of gangs are most times, big black guys. This can be misinterpreted as showing that black people are usually gang members, which is not necessarily true. Furthermore, when a particular group is stereotyped, they will begin to internalize the inherent negative image, and might actually mimic some behaviors that have been portrayed in the negative imagery. The fact that they are already being criticized, can lead people to actually portray the action in reality. As mentioned above, the media can affect the way people react to certain matters, so when people are stereotyped negatively, they could change themselves in response to what is shown in the media. Ronald Takaki observed that â€Å"the pressure that the majority puts on a minority being stereotyped is high because their upward mobility will not reach equality†(Takaki, Ronald 1990 p. 101). This can cause people who are being stereotyped to feel isolated and can lead to a barrier being created between communities. In addition, a common reaction to stereotyping and criticism is that people become extremely defensive. This is a natural reaction, which most people tend to do when they feel trapped or scared. Racial stereotyping occurs between different races because many people are scared of being seen as different. For example, when a black or Hispanic family moves to a place like Canada, some people around might be initially reluctant to interact with them due to their racial difference. Hence, a communication barrier might be built between them. Stereotypical people are afraid of the idea of being different, and this is why they try to criticize others. They might also try to persecute the minority in the community, so that they would feel unwanted and eventually leave their country. As Anna Lisa Raya indicates her experience of having to define her self as what others thought in the article â€Å"it’s hard enough being me†. Overall, the idea of racial stereotyping will always be in our lives. However as time goes by we become more humanism because people are learning to not judge others by their race, gender, or religion. Therefore, we shouldn’t be afraid of being different and we should allow more cultural diversity into our lives, as stereotyping can lead to the suppression of minority populations by the dominant culture.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Environmental Scan Of The Airline Industry Tourism Essay
Environmental Scan Of The Airline Industry Tourism Essay We have defined our relevant market for Flydubai as a low cost carrier within the product form level. Being positioned as a low cost national airline carrier, its facing a high competition from other national airlines which force the relevant market to be within the product form. (For more information on the relevant market please refer to appendix 2). This paper will focus on presenting an environmental scan of the airline industry within the Middle East region during the time frame of 3 years (2009-2012). In order to do so, we will identify the significant trends and their consequent implications on Flydubai relevant market. This report will include an in depth review of the macro, micro analysis and its implications of Flydubai relevant market in the next three years. Body: In identifying the major key trends in the macro environment of Flydubai, we have addressed several issues that include the political, social and economical trends. Flydubai was established by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai orders in march 2008 and started its operation in its first flight to Lebanon on June 1st 2009.Being fully owned by Dubai government and enjoy the full facilities offered in terminal 2 at Dubai International Airport, the company is having a competitive advantage compared to its rivals in the market as it enjoy the full government support and airport services. Furthermore, the current government trend in the labor force is towards emiratization and protecting labors rights. Being a part of the Fly Emirates Group, the organization will face no problem in emiratization as it will follow Fly Emirates emiratization strategy. The major challenge that Flydubai will face is being able to offer high paid jobs and reduce its operational costs as it is considered a low cost airline company. Living in the current financial crises era, Flydubai was established in one of the most difficult time the country economy had faced in the last 25 years. Falling oil prices, cooling real estate and construction markets, together with a slowdown in the tourism sector, especially in Dubai, means the UAE is expected to post low or possibly negative GDP growth in 2009, according to analysts (Arabian Business, 2009). This information may be considered negative to many airline companies but it may be positive to a low cost airline like Flydubai as people are now focusing more in reducing their expenses as the incomes are reduced. This means their tendency of consumers focusing more on prices is increasing. Furthermore, consumer behavior is changing towards low cost airlines especially in the Middle East region as consumers are persuaded by low prices and a better service offered by low cost airlines. According to a study done by Arabian Business website, it was found that 83 percent of the respondents would switch their preferred airline carrier, for a cheaper price, while 17.6 percent believed they would consider alternatives and trade off between the discount and lost air miles. It can thus be inferred that pricing plays a significant role in consumer behaviour and the decision making process especially in the current economic downturn era (Glass, 2008). According to Dubai department of Tourism and commerce marketing 3.85 million tourists had visited the emirate in the first half of 2009, a five percent increase on the same period of 2008. This figure strongly shows the current tourism industry market and how attractive it became even though of the current economical downturn. Other figures expect that the number of tourists will fall compared to 2008 figures but most figures have stated that there will be a positive growth in 2010. This figure shows that Flydubai will see a future growth rates in the coming 3 years as terrorism sector restore its high figures after overcoming the current downturn. As observed by Andrew Cowen, CEO of SAMA Airlines, the market is shifting from the traditional major airlines business travel towards low cost carriers for trips within the GCC. Business travelers are changing their perception of low cost carriers, supported by the current economic downturn and the increase number of foreign businesses within GCC countries entering the UAE. This shows a trend of an increasing demand for low cost carriers in the next three years (High time for low cost carriers, 2008). (For in depth information on the analysis of the macro environment of the airline industry please refer to Appendix 3) In identifying the major key trends in the micro environment the following aspects that includes, Customers, Employees, media, shareholders, competitors and suppliers. Customers who are price conscious are concerned with low cost airlines. Flydubai has focused on pricing strategy and flexibility because these two factors play a big role in determining the customers decision process on which airlines they choose to travel with. Moreover, the number of tourist from around the world including the region will grow more than 40% in the next 3 years in Dubai ( This shows that there will be increased number of customers who will use Flydubai airlines within the next three years due its successful use of pricing strategy and flexibility. The Employees of Flydubai have good experiences and they were carefully selected from twelve different nationalities. According to Kenneth Gile, chief operating officer of Flydubai said: We are extremely pleased with the talent of the pilots we have on board. On average, they each have more than 4,000 hours serving as captain in similar aircraft and a total experience of more than 8,000 flying hours this is impressive by any standard (Sambidge, 2009). Flydubai is fully owned by the government of Dubai and its considered as a part of its mother company the Emirates Group. The main strategy that Flydubai is willing to use for their marketing strategy is through word of mouth (buzz). This is because Flydubai is a low cost airline; they tend to set low budgets for their advertisements to keep their prices low. The direct competitors of Flydubai are Air Arabia and Al Jazeerah airlines because these two airlines are also low cost airlines in the same country as Flydubai. However, the major competitor of Flydubai is Air Arabia because, first of all, they are the first to claim about low cost airlines in the Middle East region. Moreover, they hold the highest market share in the relevant market as identified before. Our market share comparing to those two carries are low because Flydubai just recently launched to the market. But, within the next three years we expect rapid growth in the market share because Dubai is a destination for tourists. The major indirect competitor is Fly Emirates which stands as the leader in airline industry in the relevant market and it will keep its performance in the next three years. The second indirect competitor is Etihad Airlines which is growing fast because of the unlimited support from Abu Dhabi government. In addition, those airline carriers make low price offers for the same destination that we have flight lines to. The supplier of Flydubai is Boeing. Flydubai announced an order of 50 next generation 737 aircraft from Boeing. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al Maktoum said: The Boeing Next-Generation 737 is ideally suited to our mission to bring some two billion regional inhabitants affordable, efficient and flexible travel options to and from Dubai.(For more information on the micro environment analysis, please refer to Appendix 4). Implications: Primary demand: Low cost airlines are focusing on customers who are price conscious. The number of customers using the LCC airlines is increasing and it will continue growing in the next three years ( This is because, first of all, the percentage of tourists will increase by 40% within the next three years which shows that the market share of LCC will increase as well. Secondly, because of the economic condition, many people tend to save money and spend it on low cost airlines to travel more to the desired destinations. Users of Low cost airlines contain all different ages and nationalities. Moreover, cost is one of the main factors that affect customers ability to buy. The costs of these carriers are low and will continue to remain low in the next three years. This will increase customers ability and willingness to buy. Selective demand We can define the consumer decision making process as an extensive problem solving level, where they are introduced to a complete new brand with low brand knowledge. So, Flydubai should infusive more on their brand identity through the media and other communication types in order to enrich consumers knowledge. Once Flydubai had increased the level of consumer knowledge, we expect huge increase in market share in the next three years because the decision making process is going to shift from extensive problem solving to routine which is low information search about the company. Therefore, we expect major change within the next three year upon the factors we mentioned above. Segmentation: As for segmentation we expect to see a rise in the population of the UAE in the following 3 years. According to the electronic portal of Gulf News the population of UAE is approaching six million as of now and it is expected to escalate even further by the end of this year. An increase in construction in the coming years requires more labor to be imported from foreign countries, thus increasing the number of potential customers (low income and middle-class lifestyles) who might want to use our services. Moreover, economic boom can also be a factor for businessmen to travel to and from Dubai more frequently. In addition, the number of students travelling to the UAE for education is expected to increase in the near future; this implies that they will most probably select Flydubai as their primary mode of transport to travel to and from the UAE, since the economic condition shows very little signs of improvement in the near future. More tourists are expected to arrive in the UAE within the near future out of which a section of them are extremely price sensitive travelers. Another scenario would be that the current economic downturn continues to effect economies world-wide within the coming three years increasing the number of price-sensitive customers in the eight markets we operate in. To keep up with the projected demand, Flydubai is planning to increase its fleet size from 5 (currently) to 54 aircrafts in the coming years. An increase in fleet size would allow Flydubai not only to accommodate a large number of clients but also expand its reach in terms of destinations. Conversely, the announcement of the new GCC rail network which is the new transportation class in our relevant market is expected to have a slight negative effect on Flydubais operations in terms of loosing clients that fall in our target segmentation. The GCC rail network and Flydubai have one common destination which is Qatar. Once the GCC rail network begins its operations there is a high possibility of losing out on our current and potential clients. (For more information on segmentation please refer to appendix 5). Competitor analysis Our major competitive in our relative market is Air Arabia and then Al Jazeera Airlines. Air Arabia is holding major market share because they are the first to claim about launching first low cost airlines in Middle East region. However, Flydubai can compete with those two direct competitors when we focus on our competitive advantage which is price leadership. Also, location is another important factor due the number of travelers that are using Dubai Airport comparing to Sharjah Airport. In addition, being part of the Emirates Group will add more value to Flydubai brand equity which will make it easier to make customers shift toward our company within the next three years. (For more information on competitor analysis, please refer to Appendix 6) Conclusion: In conclusion after analyzing the environmental micro and macro trend for Flydubai, we observed that there are two major changes in our relevant market. First, the increase of the tourism level in Dubai as we expect the current economic downturn era to change its direction towards positive figures in the next three years. Also, the companies holders and businessmen attitude towards low cost airlines is changing by using it as these airlines are providing business men services aboard such a business class and wireless internet connection. The number of competitors within the low cost airline industry is going to increase in the coming years as new airlines such as Bahrain Airlines starts its operation this year. Secondly, full service airlines are expanding their market towards low cost airline by introducing low price tickets that attract price sensitive consumers. We expect that within the next ten years a new class level will enter the market in the GCC region which is trains trans portation. Also, a new form level will emerge in the relevant market which is a combination between full services and low cost carriers. Finally, within the next three years we expect those changes in the relevant market to be reshaped affecting the primary and selective demand. Bibliography (2009, October 18). Flydubai airline. Retrieved from McKechnie, D, Grant, J, Katsioloudes, M. (2008). Positions and positioning: strategy simply stated. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 9(5), Retrieved from doi: 1751-5637 (2009). Environmental scanning. Wikipedia. Retrieved (2009, October 17) from (2009). Flydubai. Wikipedia. Retrieved (2009, October 17) from (n.d.). flydubai, who we are. Retrieved from (2009, June 8). Two more tough years for the airlines. Retrieved from Nagraj, A. (2009, September 16). Gloomy skies for the airline industry. Retrieved from Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, Initials. (2009, October 15). Middle East LCC wrap: Air Arabia, Jazeera, Flydubai, nasair, sama and Bahrain Air. Retrieved from Riaz, D, Kapadia, S. (2007). Air Arabia, Priced so that you can fly [5-14]. (Adobe Digital Edition Version), Retrieved from Schewe, , Charles, D, Hiam, A. (n.d.). market segmentation. Retrieved from (2009, 10 07). UAE population reaches six million. Retrieved from (2009, 10 07). Expat numbers rise rapidly as UAE population touches 6m. Retrieved from (2009, April 7). FlyDubai opens for business with flights to Beirut and Amman. Retrieved from (2009, October 8). Number of tourists in Dubai set to grow by 40 per cent . Retrieved from Sambidge, Initials. (2009, March 18). flydubai appoints pilots, cabin crew. Retrieved from Sambidge, A. (2009, August 11). Dubai tourists up 5% in H1 official. Retrieved from (2009, 10 07). UAE population. Retrieved from Redpath, H. (2009, June 16). Dubais First Low Cost Airline Takes Off. Retrieved from Redpath, H. (2009, June 16). Dubais First Low Cost Airline Takes Off. Retrieved from Appendix 1 Back Ground information on Flydubai: Flydubai is the UAE second low cost airline that was established in March ,3rd 2008 on the orders of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai. The company first flight was in June 1,2009 to Beirut in Lebanon followed by flights to Amman, Jordan, on June 2, Damascus, Syria, on June 8 and Alexandria, Egypt, on June 9, giving the new airline a total of four destinations in just nine days. (Redpath, 2009). The company had ordered 50 Boeing 737 and is going to receive 10 airplanes each year for the next five years. (Flydubai,2009) Currently the company runs its operations in Dubai International Airport terminal 2 that was redesigned for the new airline. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of Flydubai said: This region is very dependent on air transport. It is a great credit to the vision and leadership of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, that this airline has now taken off, thereby ensuring residents and visitors alike will be able to travel to more places more often. (Redpath, 2009). The Flydubai model is simple, with customers only paying for the services they want. The ticket price includes all taxes and one piece of hand baggage, weighing up to 10kg, per passenger. Passengers have the option to purchase checked-in baggage in advance at just 40AED for the first piece and 100AED for the second, weighing up to 32kgs, subject to availability. Checked baggage is strictly subject to availability and passengers are advised to book early to secure the space, as only pre-purchased baggage can be guaranteed. (Redpath, 2009) Flydubai aims to make travel a little less complex, a little less stressful and a little less expensive, explained Flydubai CEO Ghaith Al Ghaith. Our passengers have the option to customize their travel experience depending on what services they want and how much they want to pay. (Redpath, 2009) We plan to stimulate the markets in which we operate and encourage people to travel to more places more often. Flydubai aim is not to drive traffic away from the other carriers but to help grow these markets. When you consider that low cost travel in this region could be as little as 2% of all air travel, as opposed to more than 20% in Europe and America, it is clear that there is a lot of untapped potential in these markets. (Redpath, 2009) In addition, Flydubai will fly to airports that are currently underserved by the traditional carriers. In a region which is so dependent on air transport, we are looking forward to providing the reality of accessible, low cost, uncomplicated travel (Redpath, 2009). Appendix 2: Product Market Structure: The above market structure was used to identify Flydubai relevant market within the airline industry in the Middle East region. We started the structure with the most basic need which is the need to travel in the region. This provided us with three alternatives that include airplanes, buses and cars. The product form is divided between full service carriers and low cost carriers as they differentiate in prices and services being offered to customers. From this structure we can identify Flydubai relevant market within the product form level. This is because the degree of competition and substitutability within the brand suppliers are high, as they all offer low prices with similar routes within the region. This push the relevant market upwards towards the product form level. Furthermore, Flydubai indirect competitors include Fly Emirates, Etihad airlines and Saudi airlines. These full service airlines are competing with Flydubai indirectly by providing low prices with full services. O n the other hand our direct competitors include Air Arabia and Al Jazerra airlines that are both low cost airlines that perform within the region. Further explanation on competition will be provided in the Micro analysis in the competitors section. Appendix 3 Macro Environment: In studying the external environment of Flydubai in the next three years we will focus on the Macro and Micro environment. This study will help us in finding out the effect of these external factors on the company in the next few years. The Macro environment factors will include Political, economical, social and technological aspects under which Flydubai will be affected by. 1) Political Analysis: A) Government Regulations: Flydubai was established with orders of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Prime Minister and Vice-President, and Ruler of Dubai. Being owned by the Dubai government the company faces no difficulties in laws and regulations as the airline industry in the Emirates is booming through the process of liberalization the airline industry that the United Arab Emirates is adapting. B) Political Analysis: In studying the overall political environment of the United Arab Emirates, we find it one of the most stable countries within the region. Such political approach of peace seeking had made the country a trading hub in the region. This will certainly have its positive effect on flydubai operations as to perform in stable political environment. C) Employment Laws: Protecting labors rights and Emiratization is considered the main aspect that the UAE government is taking into consideration now a days. Companies are now forced to have a certain percentage that of emirates locals that will increase in the following years as there is more emphasis on employing locals in the private sector. Being a part of Emirates Airlines Group, Flydubai will certainly adapt its mother company in hiring and training locals in suitable jobs. The challenge that Flydubai will going to face is to decrease costs in one hand and provide well paid jobs in the same time . 2) Economical Analysis: A) Inflation Rate: The inflation rate in the UAE is predicted to fall from last years 11.1 percent level to seven percent in 2010, according to a new report. (Sambidge, 2009). This is considered a positive aspect for Flydubai as it will have its positive effects in reducing the company costs in oil and ground operations. High inflation rates reaching to 11 percent last year was a threat to low cost airlines such as Air Arabia and Al Jazerra Airlines that faced a problem of high oil prices. This good news will make Flydubai compete even stronger on prices as inflation rates goes down. B) Economical Analysis: Falling oil prices, cooling real estate and construction markets, together with a slowdown in the tourism sector, especially in Dubai, means the UAE is expected to post low or possibly negative GDP growth in 2009, according to analysts. (Sambidge, 2009). Living in the current World Financial Economic Crises the UAE economy in general and Dubai in specific faced a hard time in 2009 but analysts forecast that there will be more positive figures in 2010. This information is considered a negative too many airline companies but may be positive to Flydubai as people are now more focus in reducing their expenses as the incomes are reduced. This means their tendency of consumers focusing more on prices which is a positive thing for a low cost airline. Additionally, analysts forecast that the economy will grow in 2010 again and this will certainly have its effect on the company growth. 3) Social Analysis: A) Demographics: More than 300,000 people will be added to the UAE population this year to record the highest growth of 6.3 per cent in five years and Dubai would likely emerge as the fastest growing emirate, official figures show. The rise rebuffs reports that the global financial turbulence has triggered a mass exodus of expatriates out of the country, mainly Dubai. From 4.75 million in mid 2008, the UAEs population is projected to increase to 5.066 million in mid 2009, showed the figures by the Ministry of Economy. This figure are going to increase in the next few years which will certainly have its positive effects on the airline industry in UAE considering that expatriates make an approximate percentage of 80.1 of the above figure in 2009 according to the ministry of economy. Furthermore, the figures show that the 25-29 year age group was the largest in the UAE in mid 2008, standing at 777,186. It was followed by the 30-34 age groups, which was estimated at 754,289 and 35-39 groups of 588,505. This clearly indicates that most of the population is young and is going to shape the tourism and aviation market in the next couple of years. B) Consumer Behavior: According to a study done by Arabian Business website, it was found that 83 percent of the respondents would switch their preferred airline carrier, for a cheaper price, while 17.6 percent believed they would consider alternatives and trade off between the discount and lost air miles. It can thus be inferred that pricing plays a significant role in consumer behaviour and the decision making process especially in the current economic downturn era. Furthermore, customer loyalty in the low cost carriers is low as its directly related to price. Flydubai should consider this into account and introduce customer loyalty programs in order to maintain a higher level of customer loyalty. (Glass, 2008). C) Leisure Interests: 3.85 million tourists had visited the emirate in the first half of 2009, a five percent increase on the same period of 2008 According to Dubai department of Tourism and commerce marketing . This figure strongly shows the current tourism industry market and how attractive it became even though of the current economical downturn. Other figures expect that the number of tourists will fall compared to 2008 figures but most figures have stated that there will be a positive growth in 2010. D) Career Attitude: Business travelers are changing their perception of low cost carriers. As observed by Andrew Cowen, CEO of Same, the market is shifting from the traditional major airlines business travel towards low cost carriers for trips within the GCC. This changing attitude, supported by the current economic downturn and the increase number of foreign businesses within GCC countries entering the UAE, shows a trend of an increasing demand for low cost carriers in the next three years. (High time for low cost carriers, 2008). E) Technological Development Analysis: Following its mother company Emirates Airlines, we expect that Flydubai become a market leader in providing advanced technological solutions to its passengers by using the large experience that emirates airline have. If such direction was adapted, it will certainly provide the needed strength that Flydubai need in competing with its direct and indirect competitors. Appendix 4 Micro Environment: Stakeholder Analysis: This means to analyze the micro environment which includes the following factors: the customers, employees, shareholders, media, and the competitors. A) Customers: Customers who are price conscious are concerned with low cost airlines. Flydubai has focused on pricing strategy and flexibility because these two factors play a big role in determining the customers decision process on which airlines they choose to travel with. Price strategy and flexibility of Flydubai include low pricing strategy and easy booking with increased choices. As Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, Chairman of Flydubai said: As a true low cost airline we are geared towards providing our passengers with the best price and increased choice. We will operate efficiently and continually evolve to deliver the best possible product to our customers. (Flydubai opens for, 2009). The cost of Flydubai from Dubai airport to Doha airport would cost 200DHS, whereas other major airlines such as; Emirates or Qatar airlines would cost approximately 1000 or more for a one way ticket (Flydubai home page, 2009). This shows that Flydubai is much cheaper and has managed to keep prices low due to the successful use of their pricing strategy. Moreover, the number of tourist from around the world including the region will grow more than 40% in the next 3 years in Dubai (Number of tourists, 2009) .This shows that there will be increased number of customers who will use Flydubai airlines within the next three years due its successful use of pricing strategy and flexibility. B) Employees: Flydubai airline has received more than 11,500 applications from flight and cabin crew. There are 18 first officers, 61 captains, and almost more than 8000 candidates for pilots were selected from twelve different nationalities (Sambidge, 2009). The staff has good experiences and was carefully selected. According to Kenneth Gile, chief operating officer of Flydubai said: We are extremely pleased with the talent of the pilots we have on board. On average, they each have more than 4,000 hours serving as captain in similar aircraft and a total experience of more than 8,000 flying hours this is impressive by any standard (Sambidge, 2009). Furthermore, employee and staff hospitality is very important. This is because the employees and staff were selected from twelve different nationalities and they need to feel comfortable with the new culture they are facing in order to work efficiently. D) Shareholders: Flydubai is fully owned by the government of Dubai and its considered as a part of its mother company the Emirates Group. The company has no other shareholders currently as there its 250 million dirhams capital is completely raised by the government. E) The media: Obviously, through observations, Flydubai has made many advertisements through publicity such as; Newspapers (e.g. gulf news) and internet websites. However, the main strategy they used or willing to use for their marketing strategy is through word of mouth (buzz). Since Flydubai is a low cost airline, they tend to set low budgets for their advertisements to keep their prices low. So the best way to conduct an advertisement method for low cost carriers is through word of mouth. (This information is based on analysis due to facts and observations). Appendix 5 Primary demand: After making the environment analysis for the next three years and studying the current market conditions, we identified Flydubai relevant market at the product form level. This is because there is a high competition within the brand supply level forcing it towards the product form level as they all offer low prices with similar destinations. After the financial crisis, we noticed a shift toward low cost airlines as incomes had decreased. This had its effects on the following primary demand elements that include: Buyer Identification: The number of customers using the LCC airlines is recently increasing ( Users of LCC
Founding Of The Ryanair Airline Company
Founding Of The Ryanair Airline Company In 1985 Cathal and Declan Ryan has founded the company. The airline started with a fifteen (15) seater Embraer Bandeirante turboprop aircraft and it was flying between Gatwick London and Waterford. On that time London-Ireland flights held by Aer Lingus and BA (British Airways). The company added a new route between Dublin and London in 1986 and competition started with the AL/BA duopoly. Company was refused by the government of Ireland, but the conservative government of UK has approved this new service. According to some analysis Company was generating the loss instead of profit but the mean time number of customers increased frequently. By 1991 company started to thinking about to make airline profitable and this task has been given to the Michael OLeary. Ryan the founder of company suggested and encouraged Micheal to study the US airline model No Frill/Low Fares), which was using by the Southwest Airline in US and after that the model was implemented in the Ryanair. In 1995 at the completion of 10 year of the company, the Ryanair was carrying 2.25 million passengers. Ryanair overtakes the Air Lingus in the same year and became largest passengers airline between Dublin and London and largest airline on any route in the Ireland. Mission statement: Mission of Ryanair is Provide Low fare Rate travelling at all the time for all the routes. Key service commitment Puncuality Objectives: Rynair believes on the following factors: One way reservation to make flexible return for the passengers. By controlling equipment cost, personal productivity and customer service cost operating cost keep low. For peer groups best customer service Maintain shor-haul routes frequently point-to-point flights. Flight confirmation and reservation system availability on the internet. No compromise on safety and quality maintenance of airplanes By using ancillary service enhancement of operating results. Focusing on the criteria of Growth, like more routes and increased frequency. External Analysis Political Analysis Ryanair operates throughout the Europe and any political changes in any country can be effect the strategy of Ryanair. Ryanair has some dispute on each passenger flew at Newquay Airport with Cornwall Country Council. Tax policy is another issue for Ryanair which can be create problems for the company. Another political issue regarding the cash back that European Law is to fare return if any cancellation of the flight. This is not a big issue for Ryanair because Ryanair maintains their high quality service. An announcement by the government of Ireland To break up the state monopoly may be brought some questions in European airline industry. However, if this plan implemented then Ryanair can be seriously affected It may block Ryanair future expansion in the Ireland. Economic Analysis Ryanair is European based company and so many of its operations are not affected by the exchange rate, as single currency operates many of these countries. The only economical issue can the price of Oil, as Oil pricing are increasing frequently, this can be effect the low fare strategy of the company. The taxation policy bring negative impact on the employees of the company as Europen Union has announced EU deleted duty-free on intra-EU. Social Analysis European Union is and economic union of 27 countries. They developed a single market and single currency for exchange. A large number of people travel every day from one country to another country so they need a best solution and cheap fare travelling which is provided by the Ryanair. Technology Analysis Ryanair is taking the best advantage of technology by providing solution through the internet. But this trend is growing in the European Airline Industry and other airlines are establishing their website. By using the technology Ryanair save cost and open up revenue like advertisement income. Environment Analysis Greenhouse emission is the big issue which is facing by Ryanair. Ryanair strategy has a positive environmental impact. At present, aviation accounts for roughly 5% of the UKs emissions, but this is expected to rise to 25% by 2030 (Economist 2005:35). The other main environmental issue is noise, the 737-800 will to reduce this issue. Legal Analysis The reiterated rule against illegal state subsidies hoped to be establish fair deal for the airline industry of Europe. EU decision was based on non-discrimination legislation preventing airport from offering differential deal to different airline operators. On the contrary, Ryanair may need to repay penalty for breaking rule. Porters Five Forces Analysis Bargaining power of suppliers Ryanairs main suppliers are Boeing. Two possible suppliers of planes for Ryanair in the market are Airbus and Boeing but Ryanairs main supplier is Boeing.Tring to switch supplier would be very costly because pilots would have to trained for the new mechanics. Ryanair controls aviation fuel through prevarication Price. Small and regional airports can have little bargaining power as compare to big and commercial airports because they only dependent on one airline. Ryanair avoid big airports and work from regional airports such as Stainsted and Gatwick. Bargaining Power of Customers Customers are price sensitive. It is very easy for customer to switch from one airline to other airline. Due to the increasing trend of reservation through internet customer can easily change airline. Ryanair is providing very low fare to customers but customers are not loyal. Threat of New Entrants Rynair can handle this issue by following these steps  · Put Some barriers and obstacles to newentry:  · Availability of some restricted slots make more difficult to find suitable airports for new entrants.  · By Starting price war. Competitive Rivalry There is very high competition in the market. Too many service providers are in the rivalry. Ryanair has first mover advantage in this market bacuase when they started the service their was no service providers but now there are many airlines in the competition with Ryanair. 3. Ryanairs Resources and Capabilities Resources: Ryanair has following threshold resources 1. Financial Resources 2. Hub Set up in Regional Airports 3. Number of Aircrafts Following unique resources make Ryanair distinguish from their competitors: 1. Website 2. Boeing 737 Aircrafts 3. CEO Michael O Leary 4. Award of Best managed Airline 5. Dedicated Team of Management 6. Ryanair Direct Limited Competences: Threshold Competences: Low Fares Advanced Reservation System Baggage handling On time service Operating expanses in Euro Currency Advertising and ancillary services sales Core Competences: 1. Efficient Staff Low costs of staff training 2. Fast Turnaound time management 3. Free Seat Givaways No fares 4. Good Quality Service No1 5. Third party service outsourcing 6. Performance related pay structure 7. Labour costs lower than rivals. 4. Strategic Situation SWOT Analysis of Ryanairs Environment Strengths of the Company Brand name: Ryanair has very well recognised brand name in the LCC market. Low airport charges: Ryanair has advantage of low charges for airport. First mover: This advantage acts as a barrier to new entry Bookings on the Internet: More than 94% booking on the internet contributes in low cost distribution Aircrafts-Boeing: Ryanair has A uniform fleet for maintenance. High performance: Punctuality, low baggage loss. Utilization of Aircraft: By keep maintaining Ryanair is able to flies longer and generating more revenue from assets. Small headquarters: Low on overheads Weaknesses of the Company Niche market: Restricted expansion possibility Distance of Airports: Many regional airports are far from advertised destination. Changes in-charges frequently Opportunities There is a lot of new destinations expected to open as European Union is going to be enlarge: The market share would be doubled as there is still potential in the company to capture market share. Recession can help as Ryanair offers low fare cost and can catch the new customers as economy is slow down. Threats for the Company Increasing price of oil is a big threat for company as fuel costs depend on the oil market.  · Low fare competition is increased  · Europena court dicision can make more difficult to make expansion.  · Growth in the South European market is limited  · Bargaining power increases on regional airports  · Customers are price sensitive 5. Strategic choice. Options 1. Low cost strategies- First Otion is to Continue the low cost strategy to remain top of the Cost Leadership 2. New Investment: New investment can be made for modernised fleet. Will become more uniformed with only one model (737-800) which leads to cheap maintenance. Ryanair would use the next generation aircraft Boeing 737-800 as an opportunity to rejuvenate the image of the company. By using new quality infrasture and Boeing 737-800 the perception can be made false which is Ryanair is los cost service, it is also a low quality service. Change in uniform can increase the confident level of staff and provide a good change for the customers. It will be inexpensive relatively and will not effect the companys equity in wide range and companys price leadership strategy will not be destroyed. 3. New markets: Look for the new places in the Europe to expand the business. Michael Porters Generic Strategies For Ryanair to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, Michael Porter suggests that any company/organisation can follow either one of three generic strategies.  · Strategy 1: Cost Leadership.  · Strategy 2: Differentiation  · Strategy 3: Niche strategies  · Are you Stuck in the middle? Opt. #1 Cost Leadership Strategy: To enhance growth of the company Ryanair should pursue Cost leadership strategy which is provided by the Porters Generic Strategy. Cost Leadership could be done in the following ways:  · Increasing profits by reducing the costs, while charging industry-average prices. Increasing market share through charging lower prices, while still making a reasonable profit on each sale due to reduced costs. Bowmans Strategy Clock The Strategy Clock is based upon the work of Cliff Bowman (see C. Bowman and D. Faulkner Competitive and Corporate Strategy Irwin 1996). This is an appropriate way to analyze a companys competitive position in comparison to the offerings of competitors. Ansoff Matrix Ansoffs Product/Market Matrix Opt. #1 Opt. #2 Opt. #3 Market Penetration Option 1 Market penetration technique can used in the current market with current brand or product. By repositioning the brand and or promoting the products Ryanair can increase its revenue. Product Development Option 2 Product development means bringing a new product in the existing market. This is where Ryanair will market their newest investment. Ryanair would lounge a new product to the existing market this will help to increase the profitability of the company and awareness of new brand can bring more customers towards the organisation. Market Development Here, Ryanair would try to open up new markets possibly some where in the Europe and can provide current product or service to those markets. Implementation Methods of Options The Following is a table showing the three options chosen above and the implementation method chosen for each option. Option Implementation Method Proposed Continuation of low cost strategies Organic Growth 2- 2-Investment in modernised fleet, which leads to less expensive maintenance Organic Growth Try to expand the European markets to accommodate more European countries and also open new markets servicing parts of North America, South America and the Caribbean Organic Growth Figure 4: Table showing Options and the Implementation method proposed Organic growth Organic growth refers to the growth that achieved by internally investments made by the firm inside the organization. Organic growth is rate of business expansion through increasing the output and sales as opposed to acquisitions and take-over by the other organisation. There are some benefits of this method Latest Technology Cost Spread Choice of Location No Inappropriate Cultural History The above options can be evaluated for suitability, acceptability and feasibility and then these can be successfully implemented. Suitability means wheather a strategy fulfil the requirements those are needed to remain operating an organisation. Moreover whether the chosen options are in the line of mission, vision and objective of the organisation. To test suitability following should be determined: Examine whether the organisation possess the key resources to pursue the option. Analysis of the organisations external environment, whether the option is suited for the organisation. Determine the competitive advantage and if go ahead with the option would it lead the organisation to a good financial performance. 2. Acceptability Acceptability concerned with the expected performance outcome of the strategy. A financial risk analysis should be done here. The effectiveness of the impact on the following: Employees Bankers Customers Suppliers Stakeholders Shareholders 3. Feasibility Feasibility examines the following options: Internal constraints which would restrict the implementation of the option and also the weakness that would constrict the option Would the option improve performance level within the resources? What resources are possessed and additional requirements to pursue the options Commitment from managers and human resource and the physical constraints e.g. industry-rights and air-space legislation. Suitability Life Cycle Analysis Life Cycle Analysis showing Ryanairs position The above figure shows the Life Cycle Analysis for Ryanair. Ryanair is providing services from the last two decades and we can say that the company is in its maturity stage, it can be seen from the above figure. Keeping continue low cost strategies Ryanair can increase the sales and defiantly profitability of the organisation can be increased. Ryanair should use the next generation aircraft as an opportunity and new fashioned uniform can be give the better dynamic look of the organisation. Climate change is playing a critical role. Due to change of climate Eastern Europ contries are becoming tour places and attracting the visitor to there. Thousand of visitors are travelling to Eastern countries every year just for only visiting the places. Skyroute aviation has already started flights for some of these places but still there are opportunities for Ryanair. Value Chain Analysis Infrastructure HRM Techn.Dev. Procurement Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing Service Logistics Logistics Sales Figure 6: An Illustration of Ryanairs Value Chain The main core competencies of Ryanair are: Their unique cost cutting policy Robustness Culture Implementation of option 1: Continue following the low cost strategies, takes into consideration all of Ryanairs main core competencies. In terms of robustness, competitors of Ryanair can imitate but if not implemented in the right way, could prove detrimental to competitors. Implemention of Option 2: New Investment: New investment for modrnised fleet, leads to cheap maintenance: will become more uniformed with only one model (737-800). Large amount of finance should be needed for the option because buying new aircraft is not a cheaper solution. But Ryanair can afford this solution and can go ahead with thic option. Being such a large airline, with  £300 million profit only in 2007 and having a high level of dominance in the European market, this option proves to be the most suitable for the organisation. Option 3: New Markets: By expanding business into new market can be profitable as we discussed above in this report there are some opportunities in Eastern European countries where a large scale of profit can be seen easily. Ryanair should go for it and by expanding business into new countries and new markets within the Europe will help to generate a large amount of profit. The most Suitable strategic option to be implemented is Option 2: Investment in modernised fleet, which leads to less expensive maintenance: will become more uniformed with only one model (737-800), also newer planes will require less maintenance. Acceptability Option 2: New Investment: Acceptability for option 2 which leads to less expensive maintenance: will become more uniformed with only one model (737-800), also newer planes will require less maintenance. This is large profit generating option and the return will almost one and a half times the profit of 2007. The aim of product development is to fulfil the requirements and follow the changes need by the customers. To satisfying the customers about the service of Ryanair that Ryanair is providing them a better quality service as compare to others. In this option Ryanair also introduced a new fashioned uniform for the employees so they can feel change and this will build a good relationship between customers and staff. Benefit to Stakeholders: Following this option all shareholders will get benefit because their share value will increase. Banks also get benefit in terms of large amount need to implement this option, so bank defiantly will involve. By following this option public perception accordingly get changed. They feel the change as new uniformed aircrafts, fleets and new dressed staff is ready to welcoming them at airport and airplanes. Feasibility Option two is perfect for the company because Ryanair possess all the resources which are needed for the option such as finance. The above diagram shows the 2055 to 2008 there was two times growth in Ryanairs revenue and more than 50 percent profit increase. So it is cleare that financial capabilities of Ryanair can support this option and hence it is feasible for the company. Ryanair is paying better to their employees over the last year. The employees of Ryanair are getting highst pay among other airlines operating in Europe. With the implementation of option 2 Ryanair can continue to provide hundreds of new jobs and tens of promotional opportunities. Ryanair is a Europes major airline which is 50% cheaper than any other European airline. Ryanair is continue to grow. Accordint to IATA (Internation Air Transport Association Ryanair is worlds largest international airline which carries Largent international passengers.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Man with the Twisted Lip by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle :: English Literature
The Man with the Twisted Lip by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle In ‘The Man with the Twisted Lip’, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used the disrespect of the Victorian public with regards to the Police to create his own successful amateur detective. The reason for this clear lack of respect is that the notorious Jack the Ripper was roaming the streets of London, and the police could do nothing to stop him. Indeed Jack the Ripper was never caught by the Police. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also uses the fear that Victorians had of the knowledge that Jack the Ripper was present on London streets. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses words such as, â€Å"lurking†and â€Å"sluggishly†to describe Upper Swandam Lane and the way the River Thames flowing, adding to the feeling of disquiet and revulsion within the reader. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also describes Upper Swandam Lane as being, â€Å"vile†All three of these words make the reader feel uncomfortable about the settings because the words represent life and creatures that are evil and dangerous. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also tells us of a, â€Å"low room thick and heavy with the opium smoke†In the Victorian period, opium was legal and was smoked by many people. The thick smoke in the room made it difficult to breathe clean air. The word, â€Å"sottish†is used to describe an opium smoker who clearly has no control over his mind and body. This could be a hint that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did not approve of the smoking of opium that took place in that time. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also describes those opium smokers as being, â€Å"bodies lying in strange fantastic poses, bowed shoulders, bent knees, heads thrown back and chins pointed upwards, with here and there a dark, lack-lustre eye turned on the newcomer†This sentence gives the reader a further suggestion that the people in the opium den are intoxicated under the influence of opium, and also Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s dislike of the habit of opium smoking. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle describes the path down to the opium den as, â€Å"a steep flight of steps leading down to a black gap like the mouth of a cave†This could be likened to a descent into hell, reminding the reader of the dreadful descent into the railway cutting in ‘The Signalman’, and suggesting that the opium den is not a place where religious people could be found. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle manipulates the importance that Victorians placed on social values and respectability. The Victorians were very proud people, and knew that money meant respect. This is shown when the character of Neville St.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Mimicking the Natural Environment Essay -- Agriculture Nature Essays
Mimicking the Natural Environment In Clifford Geertz’s article, Two Types of Ecosystems, he suggests that the uneven distribution of the Indonesian population is in direct correlation with the different methods of agriculture used by those in the densely populated area and those in the less populated area. Geertz explores the distinct characteristics of two methods of cultivation in Indonesia, swidden and sawah agriculture. Swidden agriculture, as described by Geertz, is when the forest is burned and cleared so new crops can be sowed. The nutrients from the burned plants are used as a natural fertilizer to insure growth of its variety of crops. Swidden agriculture works in a cycle, once the nutrients in the soil are depleted, the field is abandoned to the forest, which quickly takes over, and the cultivator begins the process at a new location. Geertz describes sawah agriculture as an irrigated flooded paddy field, such as a wet-rice field. In this field only one crop, rice, is planted, intensive labor is need and the fields are rarely allowed to return to their natural state. Thus, for swidden agriculture more land area is needed than for sawah agriculture. Geertz concludes that this is why sawah agricultural methods are practiced on the densely populated island of Java, and swidden on the less densely populated islands. Although the Indonesians analyzed by Geertz live half way around the world from the Guarani of Paraguay and Brazil, the agricultural ecosystems are relevant. In Richard Reeds ethnography, Forest Dwellers, Forest Protectors, he explores the Guarani people and how they have maintained themselves in their diverse ecosystem for thousands of years. The Guarani people have adapted to life in the dense ... ...ystem are still active members of that ecosystem and can either live with in its means, or exploit it for their own. The Guarani of Paraguay and Brazil, as described by Reed, mimic their surrounding environment, living with in its means and with in its carrying capacity through the practice of agroforestry. Geertz also depicts the outer islanders of Indonesia as living within their means and with in their carrying capacity by the utilization of slash and burn agriculture. Geertz also explains the results of a society that exploits its ecosystem with unnatural land use, such as Java Indonesia which is overpopulated and crowed. In their texts, both Geertz and Reed, show the importance of a society living as close to its natural environment as possible. Works Cited: Clifford Geertz: "Two Types of Ecosystems" Richard Reeds: "Forest Dwellers, Forest Protectors"
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Mla Exercise
Exercises Using MLA Works Cited Source: Arkin, Marian, and Cecillia Macheski. Research papers: A Practical Guide. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Company. 2001. Directions: Using the following information, create a Works Cited entry for these sources. Important words have been capitalized. Remove or change the capitals and use MLA style of capitalization and punctuation. After you have the entry for each source, arrange them in alphabetical order as they would appear at the end of a research paper on the Works Cited page. 1. The title of the book is W. E. B. DUBOIS. The book was published in BOSTON in 1986 by TWAYNE Publishers.The author’s name is MARABLE MANNING. Manning, Marable. W. E. B. Dubois. Boston: Twayne, 1986. Print. 2. An article entitled SIX CENTS AN HOUR was written by SYDNEY H. SCHANBERG. This article was published in LIFE magazine. It appeared in the JUNE 1996 issue on pages 38-46. Schanberg, Sydney H. â€Å"Six Cents an Hour. † Life June 1996: 38-46. Prin t. 3. MARY LAWLER’S book called MARCUS GARVEY was published in NEW YORK by CHELSEA HOUSE publishers in the year 1988. Lawler, Mary. Marcus Garvey. New York: Chelsea House, 1988. Print. 4. This book was published by PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, which is located in PRINCETON, New Jersey.It was written my Myron Weiner. Wiener’s book was called THE CHILD AND THE STATE IN INDIA: CHILD LABOR AND EDUCATION POLICY IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. It appeared in 1991. Weiner, Myron. The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991. Print. 5. An article entitled INDIA BATTLES ILLEGAL CHILD LABOR appeared in the newspaper the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. It was published on November 8, 1995 and the article begins on page 9. â€Å"India Battles Illegal Child Labor. † Christian Science Monitor 8 Nov. 1995: 9. Print. 6.This article came from Ebscohost from NCLive. The author’s name is SALLY RICHF IELD. The article name is HOW HIGH THE DOVE FLIES. The article’s volume and issue number are 1. 5. The date of online publication is August 10, 2000. The name of the online journal is BIRDS ARE US. The sponsor of the site from which you got this information is Stanly Community College in Albemarle, NC. The date of access is November 2, 2001 Richfield, Sally. â€Å"How High the Dove Flies. † Birds Are Us 1. 5 (2000): n. pag. NC Live. Web. 2 Nov. 2001. 7. This article came from a scholarly journal the pages issues separately.The author’s names are RODNEY MONTGOMERY and MAUREEN FOSTER. The article’s name is DYSFUNCTION IN UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT IN NEW SOUTH WALES IN 1947 AND 1983. The name of the journal was THE JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT. The issue number is 43. 2. The year of publication is 1989 and the pages run from page 6-17. Montgomery, Rodney, and Maureen Foster. â€Å"Dysfunction in University Management in New South Wales in 1947 a nd 1983. † Journal of Higher EducationManagement 43. 2 (1989): 6-17. Print. 8. This source comes from a CD-ROM. Its editor is SONALD SHEEHY. The name of the CD-ROM is ROBERT FROST: POEMS, LIFE AND LEGACY.This CD-ROM was published in NEW YORK by HOLT in 1997. Sheehy, Sonald. ed. Robert Frost: Poems, Life, and Legacy. New York: Holt, 1997. CD-ROM 9. This source is a personal or professional web site. The authors are STEVE SPANOUDIS, BOB BLAI, and NELSON MILLER. The site’s name is POET’S CORNER. The publication date is February 2, 1998. The user’s date of access is February 4, 2000. The URL is http://www. geocities. com/. apanoudi/poems. Spanoudis, Steve, Bob Blai, and Nelson Miller. Poet's Corner, 2 Feb. 1998. Web. 4 Feb. 2000. 10. This source is an online book. The original date of publication of the book is 1846.The author’s name is CHARLOTTE BRONTE. The name of the book is JANE EYRE. The user access date is March 16, 1999. The site is gopher. vt. edu:10010/02/50/1. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. 1846. Web. 16 Mar. 1999. Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. 1846. Web. 16 Mar. 1999. â€Å"India Battles Illegal Child Labor. † Christian Science Monitor 8 Nov. 1995: 9. Print. Lawler, Mary. Marcus Garvey. New York: Chelsea House, 1988. Print. Manning, Marable. W. E. B. Dubois. Boston: Twayne, 1986. Print. Montgomery, Rodney, and Maureen Foster. â€Å"Dysfunction in University Management in New South Wales in 1947 and 1983.  Journal of Higher EducationManagement 43. 2 (1989): 6-17. Print. Richfield, Sally. â€Å"How High the Dove Flies. † Birds Are Us 1. 5 (2000): n. pag. NC Live. Web. 2 Nov. 2001. Schanberg, Sydney H. â€Å"Six Cents an Hour. † Life June 1996: 38-46. Print. Sheehy, Sonald. ed. Robert Frost: Poems, Life, and Legacy. New York: Holt, 1997. CD-ROM Spanoudis, Steve, Bob Blai, and Nelson Miller. Poet's Corner, 2 Feb. 1998. Web. 4 Feb. 2000. Weiner, Myron. The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education Policy in Comparative Perspective. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991. Print.
Capital Punishment: A Global Perspective Essay
nifty penalisation is also c aloneed the remainder penalty. It refers to the legal sour where a felon is put to death by the state, to act as a vindicatement for a wickedness that they receive pull. The judgment of the jury that a individual should get punished in this musical mode is known as a death sentence small-arm the enforcement is an execution. Crimes that can mavin to bully punishment ar referred to as upper-case letter crimes or capital offenses and overwhelm murder, rape, and t think.Reasons for capital punishment rough of the reasons that softw atomic number 18 documentation capital punishment include dishonored quite a little should get punished in proportion and magnitude to the severity of the crime they lose committed. Real justice in essence requires people to suffer for their upon doing, in an appropriate manner for their crime. to each superstar wretched obtains what their crime deserves, and a receiver or a rapist deserves d eath. captive parole or escapes can build criminals another chance to kill. Could be that the biggest reason to keep the death penalty is to check a crime from repeating itself. As much as a criminal is sentenced to vivification enslavement, he or she politic has a chance to kill while in prison. He is capable of putting to death his or her fellow inmates, or nevertheless the prison wardens. Worse still, a criminal can escape from prison and go on a murder or crime spree. Capital punishment prevents this swear out of re-offending. Those executed cannot commit more crimes. movement removes the danger posed to the public by the criminal. Capital punishment promotes deterrence. By execution of criminals, it is possible to deter capable murderers from putting to death people. Crime would become more greens if there were no performer of deterring people from committing it. In case the death penalty is eliminated, it can contribute to the problem of overpopulat ion in the prison system. This means that the number of prisoners universe housed for life lead increase. This only adds to the problem of an overcrowded prison system and the facilities in that concomitant prison could be greatly overstretched.Reasons against capital punishment Mentally ill patients whitethorn be put to death. Most of the capital crimes are committed in an stimulated state in which the perpetrator doesnt think about possible outcomes. Some people are born with superstar defects that cause them to act in unsatisfactory ways. It could be unconstitutional to put a mentally ill person to death. However, rules have a chance of being vague, and besides, one still needs to convince a jury that the defendant is of unsound mind. The approach goes to great lengths before settling on a death sentence. During this period, there are endless appeals and required procedures which cause over-crowding on the court system. These appeals and hearings consume clipping of judges and other court employees, as well as use up courtrooms and facilities. This time could have been used to serve other matters if the criminal were sentenced to life imprisonment. The bon ton should move extraneous from the revenge mentality. This is because a revenge philosophy leads to an endless circulate of violence. Society should be made informed that attacking ones enemy for revenge always worsens the situation. Besides, capital punishment is useless because it does not bring the victim back to life. Hate, revenge and anger cannot bring back the emptiness of a lost love one. Capital punishment does not rehabilitate the criminal or other possible criminals. Instead, it sends wrong signals to the society. It does not make disposition for the state to punish someone who has committed murder through murder.Conclusion In conclusion, capital punishment should not be brought back because it violates the Bill of Rights. This is because it involves ta king away the life of another person. The bill of rights states that everybody has a right to live. When somebody is executed, the right to life is greatly infringed. Besides, punishment of the death penalty is irrevocable. Once carried out it cannot be reversed. When somebody has been executed, it is impossible to bring them back to life. Capital punishment should thus be avoided at all costs. Any punishment moldiness be fair, just, adequate and most of all enforceable. Society still views murder as the greatest crime, and should be met with the most unappeasable punishment, which is capital punishment. Whole life imprisonment could fit punishment for murderers. This is because, in prison, the criminals are isolated from their families and are confined in the walls of a prison for the rest of their lives. However, concord to many people, life imprisonment seems to be a soft opinion to punish capital criminals, and this perception needs to be corrected in order to do away wit h capital punishment. Imprisonment, whilst expensive and more often than not pointless, except as a means of removing criminals from society for a given period, is at least enforceable upon anyone who commits murder. Besides, the jury members will not suffer from a guilt-ridden conscience of ever passing a verdict for the death of a person. From the arguments on reasons against capital punishment, I should be through with(p) away with because it is an inhumane practice.ReferencesHood, R. (n.d.). Capital penalisation A Global Perspective. Punishment & amp Society, 331-354.Melusky, J., & Pesto, K. (2011). Capital punishment. Santa Barbara, Calif. Greenwood.Source document
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