Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Supreme Court Cases essays
Supreme Court Cases essays Over the past 100 years rights of U.S citizens have evolved. In particular the rights of woman and men have changed a great deal, also freedom of expression has changed a lot. Each one of the above rights have foot holds in several different amendments, specifically the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth for gender discrimination, and for freedom of expression the First mainly. The following cases are cases which I think represent the evolution of gender discrimination and freedom of expression best. The first case is Frontiero Vs. Richardson(1973) this case is a good example of gender discrimination. The gender which is being discriminated against is the female gender. Sharron Frontiero is a lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. She filed for a dependents allowance for her husband. The dependents allowance was denied. According to Federal Law the wives of military members are provided with this allowance automatically, yet husbands of military members are not given the allowance unless there wives income provides for over one half of their support. According to Frontiero not allowing her husband or any other husbands to have dependency, by not allowing this they were unconstitutionally discriminating against female military members which violated the fifth amendments due process clause. Frontiero, won the case . The court found that yes, it violated the due process clause, which said dissimilar treatment for men and woman who are similarly situated. The second case is Michael M. Vs. Supreme Court of Somona County(1981) This is also a good example of gender discrimination. The gender being discriminated against male. Seventeen and and a half year old Michael M. was charged and found guilty of violating California statutory rape law. The law said that unlawful sexual intercourse was an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a female not the wife of the pe ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Best Careers for Your Personality Type
Best Careers for Your Personality Type As you hunt for a job, some things are crucially important: your resume and experience, your skills, and your interview game are all major parts. But don’t forget another huge element: your personality. Your personality is who you are, both on the job and off of it, and it’s majorly important to understand who you are before you pick a career. After all, you want to find a career path that makes you feel happy and productive, not one that fills you with dread because you feel like you’re constantly pulled out of your comfort zone. (A little discomfort can be good and galvanizing for your career as you try new things. Too much just makes you miserable.) If you haven’t already, take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality assessment, which is the gold standard in personality tests. It’s a little more intense than the â€Å"Which Member of The Stranger Things Cast Are You?†quiz you just took on Facebook, but worth it to get a handle on what your personality and motivations are. Each test breaks you down into one of 16 types based on four categories:Introversion vs. ExtroversionIntuition vs. SensingFeeling vs. ThinkingPerceiving vs. JudgingThere’s an official version of the test that you can take for $49.95, but there are also lots of free version, like this one, that also get the job done. Once you know your type (or if you knew it before, you forward-thinker, you!), let’s move on to see what kind of careers you might want to look at to match your personality type.ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)ISTJs are duty-focused people who value hard work and career commitment. ISTJs love their rules. They like to have concrete goals and deadlines, and often prefer to work with hard data or specific processes. Seek jobs that celebrate these skills, and let you put them to good use.Jobs to consider:AccountantOffice ManagerIT AnalystLaw Enforcement OfficerLogisticianISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feelin g, Judging)ISFJs tend to be organized, calm, and practical professionals. They’re big on caretaking, and may not be the loudest voice in the room, but will often be the most logical. ISFJs are good at walking others through processes, and guiding team members toward a particular goal or result. You’re best-suited for positions that need a steady mind and head, even when the going gets tough.Jobs to consider:Elementary School TeacherLibrarianCustomer Service RepresentativeMedical SecretaryExecutive AssistantINFJ (introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging)INFJs can be creative types, but are also guided by their own sets of principles and feelings of fair play. Structure and compassion are the two most important career qualities for INFJs. Look for jobs that value these traits- you don’t want to have to hide them, you want to use them to their best potential.Jobs to consider:Social WorkerHR ManagerCounselor/TherapistWriterVeterinarianINTJ (Introvert, Intuition, Think ing, Judging)INTJs are the ones you want on your side when you need a confident, expert opinion. INTJs want what they want when (and how they want it), and demand perfection from themselves and others. Your standards are high, where it’s for you or your client. You won’t be happy unless you find a job where you can refine things to make them better.Jobs to consider:Software DeveloperSurgeonFinancial AdvisorBusiness ExecutiveMicrobiologistISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)ISTPs are movers and the shakers- they like to get things done now, because why wait when you can get results now? ISTPs are practical, dependable professionals who like to use strong methodology to get results. You’re a doer, not a bystander. Find a gig that lets you get in there and get your hands dirty.Jobs to consider: Police OfficerMechanicOperations AnalystCivil EngineerEconomistISFP (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)ISFPs are helpers. They like to know that their work is directly and positively affecting others’ lives. They create products or provide services that people can use right away. ISFPs are often active members of their community, personally and professionally.Jobs to consider:Fashion DesignerHome Health AideMassage TherapistLandscape ArchitectStore OwnerINFP (Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving)INFPs are optimists. They like to have careers that are making a difference to the world via creativity. INFPs are often motivated professionally by their strongly held personal values and beliefs. You’ll want to find a job that lets you channel your energy into making beautiful things and helping people realize their best potential.Jobs to consider:PsychologistArtist/Graphic DesignerWriterLibrarianHR TrainerINTP (Introvert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)INTPs like hard evidence, and typically don’t operate on faith alone that something is true. INTPs like to constantly test theories and new ways of doing things, and continually re-evaluate their perspective. They are problem solvers. You’ll want to find a career thats largely cut-and-dry, with lots of facts and problems to be solved.Jobs to consider:MathematicianChemistPsychiatristProfessorArchitectESTP (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)ESTPs can be adrenaline junkies, thriving on process and systems in an uncertain world. They’re great in a crisis, providing practical skills and guidance no matter what chaos is going on around them. You need a steady head and temperament, even when things are crumbling around you.Jobs to consider:Construction ContractorDetectiveStock BrokerFinancial AdvisorSales ManagerESFP (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)ESFPs feel at home talking to (and working with) just about everyone. They are great team members, who know the value of working together to accomplish specific goals or keep everyone together on task. You’re the friendly face amidst the chaos.Jobs to consider:Receptioni stCustomer Service RepresentativeJuvenile Social WorkerRecreation DirectorActorENFP (Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving)ENFPs are curious about the world around them, and do best in jobs that allow them to interact with a lot of different people. They’re often passionate advocates in their fields. Find jobs that surround you with creativity, one where you’re on your feet and making things happen.Jobs to consider: Restaurant OwnerJournalistPreschool TeacherCreative DirectorEvent PlannerENTP (Extrovert, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)ENTPs are creative types who thrive on challenges and finding new solutions to old problems. Seek jobs that let you flex your artistic and problem-solving muscles on a daily basis.Jobs to consider:Real Estate AgentReporterUrban PlannerMarketing AssociateEntrepreneurESTJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)ESTJs are often the ones in charge, with their abilities to make quick, logical decisions. They are quickly able to interpret s ituations and apply information to arrive at the best way of doing something.Jobs to consider:Loan OfficerSchool AdministratorLawyerPharmacistProject ManagerESFJ (Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)ESFJs are caretakers. They take pride in providing excellent care, and are often motivated by seeing direct results with their customers, patients, or stakeholders. You’ll ideally want to look for jobs where you work daily with people, otherwise you won’t be fulfilled.Jobs to consider:NurseSales RepresentativeSocial WorkerCosmetologistNutritionistENFJ (Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)ENFJs are the gurus. They provide helpful, authoritative guidance, often with the goal of making the world a better (or at least more straightforward) place. You have the gift of inspiring people- find a job where you can use these skills.Jobs to consider:Nonprofit WorkerTeacherPR SpecialistClergymemberHealth EducatorENTJ (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)ENTJs are leaders. Theyà ¢â‚¬â„¢re driven by results, and feel comfortable leading teams and setting goals to get everyone on the same page. You’re a natural leader, so look for a job where you can take charge and make things happen.Jobs to consider: EngineerAttorneyPhysicianExecutiveManagerKnowing your personality type and motivations can really help clarify your career path, especially if you’re not totally sure what you want to do next. What about you? We’d love to hear what your results were, and if you learned anything about your professional options in the process!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Suicide Resulting from Job Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Suicide Resulting from Job Stress - Essay Example Studies have also revealed that most of the people relate their mental health problems to their job and the cost of the time which is lost due to any kind of mental health problem is immense. (Lewis, 2003). Every year in the UK, the absences due to stress related issues cost 4 billion pounds annually. Estimates in Canada reveal that annually the cost of time lost due to stress costs $ 12 billion. Factors that cause stress at workplace There are some people who think that stress works as a motivator and thus it is positive, however it can also be negative if it is very much and the workers get negatively affected by it. Excess stress can also result in various problems such as physical and health problems as well as thoughts of suicide. There are various factors that contribute to workplace stress. For instance, very long hours at work or a lot of work are a cause of stress. However, even if the work is too less it can also be a cause of stress for an individual. Other factors are thr eats to personal safety which occurs mainly in those places of work which are dangerous such as coal mines and oil refinancers. At every workplace, workplace conflict is a must and it occurs between those employees who disagree with one another on anything. This also occurs because of politics at work. Moreover, due to inflation and for cost cutting purposes, companies often downsize and opt for cutbacks which increase the issue of job security. Poor communication is another factor that causes stress at workplace because when the people are unable to understand what has been communicated to them, things do not work well. Besides this, lack of autonomy at work, few chances of growth and advancement and low involvement in decision making are some other factors. (Leat, 2001). Suicidal behaviors at the workplace Any individual who recognizes the signals a depressed person gives can intervene and help that person. However, most of the people do not feel comfortable being involved in such cases due to fear. There are some strategies that help in overcoming this fear and these are mentioned below. The companies should educate the employees as well as the management regarding suicide and they must be informed about the factors and warning signs that lead to suicide. Before any kind of crisis occurs, community resources and the referral options must be identified. The employees should know that intervening in their life does not mean that the counseling process would be prolonged. After A Suicide Attempt When an employee attempts for suicide, there are two major concerns he has when he returns to the job. Firstly, he thinks he would go through psychiatric hospitalization and secondly their other concern is what their colleagues will think about them. It is shown in some studies that psychiatric hospitalization can be negative for an employee since it can lead to assumptions which are incorrect because of which the individual will not be treated properly. There are howe ver some steps which can be followed to make it easy for the employees to return to their work without much problems. (Barker, 2008). The management must safeguard the confidentiality of the employee that he has attempted
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Considering the Most Comprehensive Method of Handling Information Research Paper
Considering the Most Comprehensive Method of Handling Information Security - Research Paper Example There are numerous businesses today that place most of their information in computer systems. Hospitals, the military, the government and many other small enterprises use them. This information could be detrimental to the company if it was accessed by the public hence the need for information security. It is quite common to find that certain businesses usually have the names of their employees, their salaries, bank account details in their computer systems. On top of this, one may find that other firms place their client details, sales information and marketing information in their database. In the event that some of this information is lost, destroyed or compromised in any way, then the given company will be hampered from going about their daily operations. It should be noted that software protection through virus protection or through the imposition of firewalls alone cannot be enough to solve the information security problem. There should be set procedures and systems within any one given organisation that will facilitate the process of efficient data protection. Information systems are distributed in three main parts. These are; software, hardware and communications. This implies that any sort of information security systems must be applied in the three realms. It must also be made in such a way that it cuts across the physical, organisational and the personal. Procedures and policies normally used for these systems are those ones that apply to computer operators, users and administrators. It should be noted that information security applies to all types of data; it may be electronic data, print data or even other forms. Because of the wide aspect of information security, it has now become a career field on its own.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Turning Algae into Gasoline Essay Example for Free
Turning Algae into Gasoline Essay Studies about converting algae into biodiesel started during the 1980s. However, the idea is still not yet fully developed nowadays. With the increasing value of oil in the market some people are finding other alternatives. Many organizations are now starting to develop algae into fuel.            Algae are easy to find and those living things grow faster which means that supply of algae is not going to be a problem. Those can be found on ponds, rivers, mostly in watery places. Those creatures can even grow in man-made environments. Algae can live in salt water and even in low temperature.            Using algae as an alternative for gasoline has several advantages. One is that algae do not have to use big amounts of agricultural places in order to be produced. So, there will be enough places to plant more crops for foods. Also, cultivating algae will also help to lessen the carbon dioxide in the world since those creatures needs carbon dioxide. The emissions of carbon dioxide upon refining the algae into gasoline are lesser than fossil fuels.            However, turning algae into gasoline is not that easy. Algae should have enough amount of sunlight in order to produce good quality gasoline. And since algae grew faster, those creatures sometimes destroy the carbon dioxide they use to make foods and leads to the blockage of sunlight they need to survive. After all, it is not easy to found algae that have the right quality in order to be converted into gasoline.            Also, to produce gasoline, some chemicals, such as methanol or hexane, are used to extract oil from the algae. There are possibilities that the chemicals used will affect the water and land where the plant is located.            There are disadvantages and advantages on turning algae into gasoline. As of the moment, the study is young and needs more experiments and further studies regarding this issue. This study needs to have more development. References Crooks, E. (2007, December 12).Shell bets on algae to make biofuel. The Financial Times. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from Douglass, E. (2008, May 29). Sapphire Energy turns algae into green crude for fuel. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from,0,1053218.story Kanellos, M. (2007, May 10). The Math on turning algae into fuel. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from Montana State University (2008, January 19). Renewed Interest In Turning Algae Into Fuel Generated. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from /releases/2008/01/080115132840.htm Svoboda, E. (2007, July 1). The greenest green fuel. Retrieved May 31, 2008, from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of Fagins Last Night Alive in Charles Dickens Oliver Twist E
Analysis of Fagin's Last Night Alive in Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist Combining entertainment with a deep critique of the contemporary socioeconomic system and philosophy, Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist explores the reality that in Victorian London, crime was neither heroic nor romantic. A setting of debauchery, thievery, prostitution, and murder, Fagin's underworld didactically illustrates the "unattractive and repulsive truth (36)," that one's environment--not birth--influences character. Attempting to introduce society to the evil it had created, Dickens penned "Fagin's Last Night Alive," manipulating both his literal and figurative audience, capitalizing on the current sentiments and issues. By typifying Fagin as the absolute evil, Dickens uses contemporary religious temperaments and society's apathy and ignorance, to reveal a reality about the underworld lifestyle that society was not willing to acknowledge--society is somewhat guilty for the underworld's corruption. Distant, detached, and ignorant of society's degenerate condition, the developing society feared reality's ugliness. Believing that decadence encouraged decadence and that one's birth influenced one's character, society sought welfare reform, establishing centralized institutions for public assistance. Once established, the Poor Law separated families, put the poor to work in occupations that no one wanted, creating an environment that was less appealing for public assistance, and more appealing for employment. Believing that it had made today better than yesterday, society went about its business, ignoring the reality of starvation, illness, and death. The conditions after the Poor Law forced people to avoid public assistance, leaving them the only... ...f society must rid itself of devils, it should also accept the guilt for the things it has created. Understanding the relationship between environment and morality--indifference and depravity--Dickens evaluated what the system does to a person, how it classifies, how it deforms. Fagin manages the underworld, connoting corruption as an entertaining, enjoyable, and artful game not only because of his intrinsic craftiness, but also because it is the only way he knows to survive. Exploiting his audience's attitudes, Dickens shaped a character with religious stereotypes to ensure that his readers could recognize the absolute evil it had bore through its ignorance and apathy--poverty is a product of a societal environment. Work Cited Dickens, Charles. A Norton Critical Edition: Charles Dickens Oliver Twist.? Ed. Fred Kaplan. New York: Norton & Company, 1993.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities Essay
Abstract Hospitals can be set up as nonprofit or for-profit facilities. The differences between the nonprofit and for profit hospitals will be discussed. Hospitals have experienced different trends in the last thirty years. This paper will identify at least three major trends that have occurred within the hospital sector. Three examples that describe and differentiate the roles of hospitals and nursing homes are providing long-term care. The conclusion of this paper will be a brief critiquing of the current state of long-term care policy in the United States. Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities The differences between nonprofit and for-profit hospitals: A characteristic as stated by Williams and Torrens (2008) of nonprofit hospitals is that these hospitals do not function under the realm of regular corporate law but under a special provision of the corporate law in each state. It is also noted that nonprofit hospitals also function under special federal and state tax provisions because of recognition of their community service function. Other characteristics of nonprofit hospitals are they do not have owners and their governing body is a community based board that has complete authority over operations. Nonprofit hospitals, in general, are not required to pay most of the taxes at federal, state and local levels. Under section 501C (3) of the federal tax code, the non-profits are exempt. Due to this exemption status donations made by individuals are tax deductible. Nonprofit entities are not only expected to care for the destitute and poor but they are also expected to provi de a variety of services to the community (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Now that the characteristics of the non-profit have been outlined the for-profit entities make-up will be discussed. For profit entities, unlike nonprofit ones, have owners. The owners are issued stocks and these stocks reflect the owner’s equity position. â€Å"For- profit entities, including hospitals, may be publicly or privately held†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 186). Stocks for entities for-profit that are publicly held are made available for anyone to purchase. Publicly held for-profit entities are plagued with various accountability and regulation rules that are supervised by the Securities and Exchange Commission at both federal and state level. Williams and Torrens (2008) state that privately held for-profit entities issue stock but the difference in public versus private issuing of stock is that the private for-profit stock is not available for purchase by the general public. For-profit hospitals, in the past, have been owned by the physicians who work in them but due to the astronomical costs of such expenditures as: building, maintaining and operating a hospital in today’s market the trend of physician owned for-profit hospitals is almost extinct. The majority of for-profit hospitals in the United States are part of a large multihospital chain. The multi chains of hospitals as stated by Williams & Torrens (2008) are publicly traded. For-profit hospitals do not serve only the community but they are also expected to operate at a profit so that the equity investors receive a return on their capital (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Three major trends that have occurred within the hospital sector. One of three major trends that have occurred within the hospital sector is the increase in specialty hospitals. The specialty hospitals focus on such areas as cancer and heart disease as well as profitable fields like orthopedic surgery. The specialty hospitals as stated by Williams & Torrens (2008) show an increase of being owned partially by the physicians who practice in them. Some would make the argument that the specialty hospitals provide the best care while others see these hospitals as entities that â€Å"siphon off insured and relatively healthier patients leaving the less profitable and more complicated cases to community general hospitals†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 194). Concerns raised by the physicians’ ownership of the specialty hospitals include but not limited to are that the financial incentives will affect the treatment decisions (i.e. diagnostic services) and also that the physicians will treat the less complicated but yet more profitable health care cases and leave the biggest burden of caring for the less fortunate, financially challenged and uninsured individuals to the community and public hospitals (Williams & Torrens, 2008) Another trend that has occurred within the hospital sector is in the field of technology. â€Å"Technology has shaped the physical and operational structures of hospitals, has affected the lives of patients and families, and has provided a delivery vehicle for physicians in clinical practice†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 195). It is technological research that allows for the services hospitals provide for example anesthesia and antisepsis laid the ground work for surgical care and imaging technology has impacted effective intervention for individuals seeking care in a hospital atmosphere. Technology has affected a vast array of individuals: obstetric patients, those in need of pediatric care and terminally ill patients just to name a few. Advanced technology has led to development â€Å"increased specialization, clinical practices, expansion of specialized services, new medical and surgical specialties, and treatments for many diseases for which little curative or other care could be provided†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 195). While continued advance technology leads toward continuous improved health care it also brings along with it problems, especially for the hospitals. The hospitals are immensely gratified by the increased technology and its application to improve overall general health but along with the benefits comes complications. Hospitals are expected to provide the most up to date technology but at the most effective pricing to please their customers, patients and physicians. This presents a major challenge to hospitals (Williams & Torrens, 2008) Academic medical centers are another trend that has occurred within the hospital sector. Academic medical centers are composed of medical schools and thei r primary teaching hospitals. The â€Å"academic medical centers provide tertiary, secondary, and primary care but have a principal focus on biomedical research, teaching of medical residents and medical students, and often an array of other professional training, research, and services activities†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 196). Unlike other hospitals, the academic medical center does not have top priorities of financial efficiency and customer satisfaction. Great demands are placed on these facilities by physicians and researchers to provide the latest technology and staffing for the assurance of teaching and clinical investigation. According to Williams and Torrens (2008) the long-term strengths and successes of our health care systems depends largely on the success of the academic medical centers to achieve their mission. Three examples that describe and differentiate the roles of hospitals and nursing homes in providing long term care. The nursing home facility is for patients who need extended care because they are very sick or unable to function without continued nursing and supportive services in a formal health care facility. These patients are sick and/or are in need of assistance but they are not ill enough that they require the intense treatment and care offered at a hospital. According to Will iams and Torrens (2008) about forty-seven percent of all nursing home facility care is paid for by Medicaid and residents and their families pay approximately one-third of the cost for the facility services. In recent years the length of time one stays at a nursing home has greatly decreased. Even with the decrease in stay there is still a fifty percent chance of an individual in his/her lifetime having to spend some time in a nursing facility. Both of these previous mentioned trends is reflective of the nursing facilities moving toward becoming more technologically sophisticated as well as being able to function as more of a short term temporary residence for patients in between the hospital and going home (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Hospitals are designed to take care of the more acute problems and emergencies. Hospitals provide a wide array of outpatient services. The outpatient services range from â€Å"rehabilitation to mental health counseling to outpatient surgery†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 205). Unlike the nursing home facility the primary source of payment for hospital stay and services is Medicare and private insurance and very little payment comes from individuals. The current state of long-term care policy in the United States. Medicare provides financing for medical care for nearly all elderly Americans and others with certain disabilities but this does not hold true for long-term care. The majority of individuals needing long term must depend on family and friends and sometimes the community they live in. There is a lot of work to be done in the United States as it relates to the financing of long term care for every needy individual (Williams & Torrens, 2008). There is no clear and precise policy in the United States for long-term care but there are different provisions within Medicare and Medicaid that provide for long-term services for some (not all) individuals in need of it. While the financing of long-term care has been and continues to be a challenge for the United States there have been strives in the care coordination of long-term patients. The care coordination that has emerged through the years for long term care patients appears to be relatively effective. â€Å"Quality is enhanced when information is communicated among all the professionals caring for a person, and efficiencies are achieved when duplication of services is avoided†(Williams & Torrens, 2008, p. 211). Case management, which is a process that encompasses the following: case identification, assessment, care planning, service arrangement, monitoring and reassessment enables one professional individual to work with the family to coordinate and obtain all of the services that the long term care patient may need. Case management has proven to have one of the most positive effects of improving long-term care (Williams & Torrens, 2008). References Williams, S. J., & Torrens, P. R. (Eds.). (2008). Introduction to health services: 2010 custom edition (7th ed.). New York: Cengage Delmar Learning.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Cycling Is an Ideal Mode of Transport Essay
With the improvement of living standard, the ownership of cars is increasing because of their convenience and rapid speed. However, some social experts consider that as a form of transport in urban areas, cycling is better than cars, which could combine the means of transport with public health. This essay will argue that cycling is an ideal mode of transport in crowed cities by focusing on the expenditure and environment effects. Firstly, cycling is a convenient and affordable mean of transport. Cyclists do not need to worry about traffic congestion which often appears during rush hour in busy cites. Normally it is believed that commuting by motor vehicles is quicker than by bikes, however, in short distance, cycling may spend a short time which does not include traffic jam and parking. Furthermore, cycling could reduce the cost of living dramatically. With the price of petrol, parking and maintenance increasing, traveling by cars costs more money than by bicycle. Despite the fact that cycling is not available for bad weather, most circumstance is suitable to ride a bike. Therefore, overall cycling is beneficial to the users. In addition to this, another reason to choose cycling is that it is environmental friendly. Compared with cars, cycling does not emit any carbon dioxide to the environment. Motor vehicles have already become the main polluter. If cycling is encouraged, air pollution would be reduced considerably and climate change could be alleviated in the future. Moreover, cycling is an effective way to escape from noise, because noisy pollution in urban centres is caused mainly by cars, which has negative impacts on living quality. As a result, cycling has minimal effects on the environment. In conclusion, cycling is an ideal mean of transport in modern cities as it is cost effective and environmental friendly. Therefore, government should build more implement for cycling such as bike paths and lines to ensure the safety of cyclists, which could encourage more citizens to enjoy cycling.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
family values essays
family values essays Why were family values so important to the British middle class? Family values were so important to the middle class because as a class they wanted to be better than the other classes in society. It was the only thing that united them. In the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century it was a time of industrialisation. The middle class was establishing itself as a class of respectability, and making a living in the new industrial society. It developed into a class of prosperity that knew, unlike the upper class that it had worked for its living. As a result when middle class men came home from their work they wanted to relax, to be somewhere that was free from work. This became the home and as a result a divide between the public and private spear developed. Along with this divide others started to develop, the most important one was the new gender roles. There became a sharp divide in the roles of gender. Men were to be involved in the public sphere of society and women in the private. As a class the middle people in s ociety embraced these new ideals. There was a revival in Evangelical religion at this time, which was also emphasising the new roles of gender divides. The middle class supported their campaign and before long the new ideas were part of every day life. They included the idea that there was a very distinctive difference between men and women, this was both in their nature and physical appearance. Due to these differences they believed there should be a difference in the behaviour of the two sexes. Women were supposed to be domestic creatures with their place being in the home. They were to be protected from the public sphere, as they were naive and easily lead astray. In their new role women were to be seen as wives and mothers living under the control of their husband or father. They were supposed to behave morally and set examples to others. Part of this image was that t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 tips healthcare recruiters dont want you to find out
5 tips healthcare recruiters dont want you to find out Healthcare recruiters are facing one of the largest hiring uphill battles in recent memory, which leaves more negotiating room on the table for job seekers looking to get into the healthcare industry. Healthcare recruiters are dealing with a qualified workforce shortage in numbers that haven’t been seen previously. Hospitals and healthcare systems have been expanding, planned investments are coming to fruition, and an aging workforce that needs to be replaced are all adding onto the plate of addition hires that healthcare recruiters need to make. As a new entry into the job seeking realm, you might be wondering about some tips or tricks that you could use to help leverage your experience and skillset to get a new job in the healthcare industry. recently published an article titled â€Å"5 Secrets Healthcare Recruiters Don’t Want You To Know, which contains a wealth of tips to help new job seekers in their healthcare career job search. Use this resou rce to learn some tips and tricks that healthcare recruiters don’t want you to find out about when negotiating in your job search.Here’s a look at the 5 tips healthcare recruiters don’t want you to find out:Qualified job applicants per job posting are decliningWhile the healthcare industry has been steadily adding jobs at a faster rate than any other industry, qualified candidates who apply to these recent job postings are declining. This means that the time it takes to fill a recent job posting is rising, which costs healthcare recruiters and healthcare systems more money to fill each position. In addition, the number of baby boomers who are retiring increases each year with once-filled positions now needing new hires to combat rising turnover rates.New healthcare job seekers can leverage the rising number of open positions by catering their resumes and cover letters to match each open position or position category. This helps separate you from the rest of the applications that often feel manufactured or duplicated without much care between each position.Salaries are on the riseAs the demand for qualified healthcare job seekers rises, salaries and additional benefits packages are rising over time as well. Healthcare recruiters are taking drastic measures to attract new talent to their open positions and job seekers are being rewarded for their tailored education and experience in the healthcare industry.Job seekers can leverage the recent upward trend of salaries and compensation packages by highlighting how their skill set would make them a stronger fit for the open position than some of the lesser-qualified candidates that a healthcare recruiter might be considering.Hiring budgets are getting tighterEven though new healthcare jobs are being posted faster than healthcare recruiters can fill them, hiring budgets are getting tighter each year. Healthcare recruiting managers want to decrease the amount of time and resources they spend each year on filling open job postings, which creates a struggle for healthcare recruiters. Increasingly, healthcare recruiters need to fill positions with qualified applicants who will remain with the hospital or healthcare system for the long term so that they can decrease the costly turnover ratio.A job is a commitment between both the employer and employee. New job seekers can use the knowledge of tighter hiring budgets to convey their commitment to the company for the long term, which will help separate themselves from those candidates who will jump ship at the first chance.Niche job boards account for most recruitmentIncreasingly niche job boards account for more qualified recruiting than standard job sites. Some of the largest job board sites like Indeed, CareerBuilder, and Monster are increasingly littered with spam and job postings that make it difficult to separate qualified candidates from spam candidates. Some of the largest job board sites allow candidates to upload their re sume and then spam applications to any job they feel they might be qualified for without an in-depth look at the job requirements or details.This means that healthcare recruiters are increasingly turning to niche related job boards to hire more qualified candidates and narrow down their pool of applicants. With the increased restrictions mentioned above for healthcare recruiters, job seekers can increase their chance of earning a new position by using niche specific job boards.Applicant tracking systems are phasing out qualified applicantsAs more organizations switch to large applicant tracking systems, more qualified applicants are being phased out unintentionally. Applicant tracking systems help narrow down the field of prospective applicants based on different criteria set out by the recruiter. Filling out these applicant tracking systems takes more time than simply clicking on a potential job posting, and qualified applicants are deciding to skip them entirely. The thinking from those who skip these applicant tracking systems is that they can fill out a great quantity of potential job postings, than fill out a quality application.This leaves room for those qualified job seekers who don’t mind filling out these detailed applicant tracking systems and showcase a prime example of quality over quantity, something that every healthcare recruiter wants to see. New healthcare career job seekers can separate themselves from those individuals who choose to apply elsewhere, and be a part of the smaller pool of applicants that a healthcare recruiter has to sift through.Well there you have it, 5 tips healthcare recruiters don’t want you to find out when attempting to secure a new job in the healthcare industry. Moving forward in your journey to securing a new position, you can be confident that you have additional knowledge that will make your job search go a little easier.About the author:Ryan Bucci is a Content Strategist with HospitalCareers. Hospital Careers is the leading platform for healthcare and hospital jobs with over 25,000 job postings, career advice, and career insights.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The life of William shakespeare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The life of William shakespeare - Research Paper Example Of the five siblings, William had two sisters and three brothers. Edmund Shakespeare, the last born in the Shakespeare family was born when William was in his teenage years, and that’s when he lost one of his sisters. John Shakespeare later became the mayor of the town in which William was born. Shakespeare never had an extensive education life. At the age of six or seven, William Shakespeare attended the King’s new school in Stratford (a school that taught children of prominent citizens) where he leant grammar and got the chance of sharpening his writing skills which laid down the foundation of his career in theater. In his secondary, he studied Latin, literature, rhetoric, logic, and ethics. In his work, there is evidence of Roman comedy, classical mythology and ancient history. This is believed to be his only formal education as there is no evidence to suggest he ever received university training. William might have been withdrawn from the school of grammar due to the increased poverty of his father at the age of thirteen. At that time, his father was a butcher, and William joined him in that business for some time. The business of John Shakespeare had gone from bad to worse, and at the time, William Shakespeare was eighteen, his father was deprived of his mayorship. This happened on 6th of September 1586. Not much is known about the life of William Shakespeare in his youth, but it is evident that at the age of eighteen, he got married to a farmer’s daughter known as Anne Hathaway who was eight years older than him. They married when Anne had William’s pregnancy and she gave birth six months later. It is believed that Shakespeare was forced into marriage by the Hathaway family since he wanted to marry one Anne Whateley who was already married to Wm Shaxpere and that he had previously impregnated Anne Hathaway. William Shakespeare never showed affection to his wife. This is evident because in his first draft of his will,
Friday, November 1, 2019
The reasons of global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The reasons of global warming - Essay Example Is there global warming Yes, there is global, though not everyone agrees on the fact that is happening, how to deal with it, or what the end results will be.1 In this paper we will discuss global warming The United Nations Climate Change Conference is to be held this week in Copenhagen. There will be 192 nations there. It will be a very significant meeting and the primary aim is to slow global warming. In 1997 this same team organized the Kyoto Protocol which called for a 5.2% change in carbon dioxide emissions from the 1990 levels. The United States refused to ratify it, though they now say they are willing to reduce carbon emissions in the United States by 50%. The treaty expires in 2012. When ask what they hoped to accomplish this time, the United Nations' de Boer says that it needs to include, greenhouse-gas emission goals for industrialized nations, emission free energy goals for developing nations, promises of money and machinery from industrialized nations to meet goals, and agreement on how to meet those goals. If global warming is so important then why did the last treaty not get signed2 The "Identifying Signatures of Natural Climate Variability in Time Series of Global-Mean Surface Temperature:Methodology and Insights" study is an international study done by a team of scientists from Colorado State University, Washington State University, East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, and Exeter, United Kingdom. They used several models during their study since there has been such controversy over the different models showing different things. All of the models were tested by each group and when the final results came back, it was obvious that the predications of global warming were correct. Those model studies will be presented at the International Conference.3 The three model studies used were CTI, TENSO, and Tdyn. All three studies showed a continual increase in the overall temperature over time. That did not mean that there was not some cooling off done. In fact there were many dips but after each dip, the temperature increased to a new high average. Again the high aver age has been increasing more rapidly over the last 10-20 years. Technology would have to cut back. This would mean a large stain on an already strained world economy. Carbon dioxide emissions would have to be decreased by factories, cars, food manufacturers and many others. This does not appeal to the United States congress or others. The cost in dollars is high. One of the controversial issues is that the richer countries would have to pay for the poorer countries to receive the help they needed; of course global warming did not occur because of the poorer countries but because of the practices of the industrialized countries. Then there is the controversy. Is global warming really happening or is it hype that is created by the scientist to get us to clean up our act4 Recently, there was a disclosure about emails that were stolen from England's University of East Anglia. Those emails included climate researchers "bad-mouthing critics and struggling to explain if global warming is real, why recent years' temperatures didn't exceed 1998 and 2005 levels, the warmest on record."(Vergano, 2009, pg 2). This kind of thing is what is discouraging
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