Sunday, May 24, 2020
Reflection - 1317 Words
As a former co-worker and adviser, I decided to observe Carmen Macias from East Los Angeles College (ELAC). I wanted to interview her because I knew first hand of her impressive work ethic. In addition, she serves at an institution that services students who come from my home high school of South Gate, CA. ELAC is located in Monterey Park and is one of the nine community colleges apart of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). The class profile consist of first year students who are a part of Adelante, a first year student program. Many of the students in the class are in a cohort and will be taking various classes together. The classroom itself is in a horseshoe style seating. When talking to Carmen about the purpose of this,†¦show more content†¦I was curious to understand why she would shorten it, and she said, â€Å"†¦for many of these students, it is their first time seeing a syllabus. Being given a four-page document can be overwhelming. Maybe when t hey progress through their first year it would be ok.†I agree, after seeing the syllabus, I would feel a little intimated having a lengthy document. Carmen mentioned that when she came into the classroom, the first thing she did was introduce herself and then have everyone take out their syllabus. Thereafter, she had them input her office information. She said this was beneficial because students may easily lose her contact information if it was written down elsewhere. I appreciated the three learning outcomes because it was clear what would be the result of the course. Out of the three, my favorite was outcome #3, â€Å"Students are able to use tools and resources to assist them in the career decision- making process.†Even though students may be uncertain on their college and career paths, giving them tools to better understand the path will be extremely beneficial. Some of the major critiques I have about the syllabus is the broad statements made about Attendance, R espect and Homework. Each of these sections has a robotic tone to it. I asked Carmen about this and she stated that it is easier to simply copy and paste from previous syllabus. In the homework section, it is unclear about the impacts of missing work;Show MoreRelatedReflection1650 Words  | 7 PagesIan-Bradley Tancred This essay analyses and describes what reflection is and how it supports your personal and professional learning. It elaborates upon how and why recognizing your strengths and weaknesses are important and how they can enhance lifelong learning. It describes what arguments and assertions are, what the differences are between them and which one is better. Debnath describes reflection as a means of self-examination to learn from knowledge and experiences which will help transformRead MoreReflection1479 Words  | 6 PagesReflections Both simple and complex reflections were used. A simple reflection used towards the beginning of the interview transpired into, â€Å"pretty active out doing a lot of things.†Alternatively, a complex reflection used when reflecting on Sarah’s feelings about what her friends think about her not socializing subsisted of, â€Å"it bothers you thinking about them, wondering about your intentions.†I used twice as many complex reflections as simple reflections. Unfortunately, I should have usedRead MoreReflection On The Word Reflection 701 Words  | 3 PagesFor me the word ‘reflection’ means taking time to really dig deep into my thoughts, to contemplate something meaningful and significant, to make a decision that often involves me and my future. It has a personal and emotional connection. Daudelin (1996) uses the word ‘reflection’ to encourage managers to create time to recognise the value of learning from past and current work s ituations (‘experience’) and to adapt this learning to new situations. I would prefer to choose the words ‘thought’ or ‘consideration’Read MoreReflection1218 Words  | 5 PagesReflection on your personal development Reflection is a major factor in developing self-awareness to improve services provided to everyone around me, this is to develop my own understanding in realising the good and bad made previously. Moving forward with a better understanding, as well as rectifying the mistake whilst recognizing the good points, (Horton-Deutsch and Sherwood, 2008). Working in a domiciliary setting and visiting vulnerable adults within their homes, I am constantly tryingRead Morereflection703 Words  | 3 Pageshelpful/ inspiring. Your completed template form and content should be a CRITICAL reflection of the paper/ chapter content but NOT merely summarize what you have read. TEMPLATE FOR REFLECTIONS ON EXPERIENCES DATE: PLACE: The experience 1. What experience are you reflecting on (class session, project group meeting, particular piece of reading, other)? Give a brief account of this experience. 2. 3. Reflections on Experience 4. 2. Looking back, what was particularly memorable/ interestingRead MoreReflection Of Illusion1635 Words  | 7 Pages Shattering a Reflection of Illusion I stare blankly at the blinking caret. Propped up snugly against three quilted pillows and one calculus textbook is my laptop. To be more specific, a laptop opened to an empty Microsoft Word document. Writing a speech is no easy task, but writing a valedictory address is like playing darts with spaghetti. Humbly accepting the position as the class valedictorian, I have been graced with the task of writing an excerpt that would fill my classmates’ hearts withRead MoreNursing reflection.12855 Words  | 52 PagesReflective Essay This essay will look at reflection on a critical incident that has promoted a positive outcome. It is not a very major incident but it stands out as it has a potential for learning. This essay will identify and explain Johns (1994) model of reflection and explain what reflection is and why reflective practice is necessary and how it can be used. Schone (1983) recommended reflection on critical incidence as a valuable term, sited in Ghaye and Lillyman (1997) a critical incidentRead MoreReflection Essay1616 Words  | 7 Pagesintegral part of nursing. It will also demonstrate how reflection enabled me to make sense of and learn from this experience, as well as identify any further learning developments needed to improve my practice and achieve the level of competency needed for when I qualify as an assistant practitioner. While discussing the knowledge underpinning practice, evidence based literature will be reviewed to support my discussion and for the purpose of reflection the essay will be written in the first person. SpouseRead MoreReflection On Self Development Through Reflection1854 Words  | 8 Pagesthrough reflection is a key issue of education and learning (Kennison, 2012), where you learn through experience (Tashiro, Shimpuku, Naruse and Matsutani, 2013), learn to self-evaluate (Duffy, 2013), identify gaps in knowledge and detect where further training or study is required to improve practice (Olarerin, 2013). Ultimately reflection is thought to be constant learning from practice, thus refining knowledge and experiences and putting them into practice (Naidoo, 2013). Within my reflection examplesRead MoreReflection Essay781 Words  | 4 PagesI determined that I needed a new interest, something to keep my mind engaged and challenged. I enrolled in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) through the Columbia Southern University (CSU) just for fulfillment. This reflection assignment exercise proves to be the catalyst for my future college endeavors. The assignment to reflect on DBA program dreamed of taking steps towards realizing those ideas and course accomplishments right now. Due to time some course assignments, I will embrace,
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Guide to Al Qaedas Network Structure
Also see: Al Qaeda leaders The Al Qaeda Network Some organizations may have operational ties to Osama bin Ladens core group. Increasingly, however, groups pledging allegiance to Al Qaeda have no formal association whatever. While many analysts use the metaphor of marketing to describe Al Qaeda as a brand, and its offshoots as franchises, others describe the decentralization phenomenon in terms of a core group of professionals, surrounded by new membership in grassroots affiliates. This decentralization is a consequence of strategy, not accident, according to analyst Adam Elkus. In 2007, he wrote that: Al Qaeda has been moving towards decentralization ever since the invasion of Afghanistan, with isolated cells and loosely affiliated groups that have only a tenuous connection to the greater Al Qaeda hierarchy tapping into Some of these knock-off groups spring from pre-existing militant groups committed to some version of Islamist transformation of their society. In Algeria, for example, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is a new incarnation of another group, the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, which has had a long, and violent, commitment to overthrowing the Algerian government. The groups sudden commitment to Al Qaeda- style global jihad should be taken with a grain of salt or, at the least, examined in light of its local history. Al Qaedaâ€â€core organization: The original group headed by Osama bin Laden and Ayman al ZawahiriAl Qaeda in Iraq: An organization founded after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, AQI has morphed several times since.The Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Tanzim Al-Jihad): Egyptian Islamic Jihad was founded in the 1970s, and well known for its assassination of Egyptian President Sadat in 1981. It is a good example of an organization that has historically had a far greater interest in violent transformation of the Egyptian government than it has in a global jihad.Ansar Al Islam: This Iraqi Kurdish organization was founded in 2001, and operates in the northern areas of Iraq and Iran. Its membership includes a number of members who trained or fought in Afghanistan, with bin Laden, and it is presumed to have close operational ties with Al Qaeda in the region.Al Jemaah Al Islamiyya: Al Jemaah Al Islamiyyah (The Islamic Group) is a southeast Asian group dedicated to bringing Islamist rule to the area. The United States suspects it of ties to Al Qaeda, but these seem tenuous on a large scale.Lashkar-i-Tayyiba: This Kashmir-based Sunni Pakistani group has historically directed its attacks at India. Leaders and members have demonstrated ties to some Al Qaeda members.Al Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb: This Algerian group grew out of one dedicated to the overthrow of the Algerian government. Its name change was accompanied by a pledge to put Western targets in its sights.Abu Sayyaf: This Philippine group has been called an Al Qaeda affiliate, but there is little evidence of a meaningful operational tie. Indeed, the organization is more like a criminal network than one committed to an ideological goal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The True Story About College Term Paper Writing That the Experts Dont Want You to Hear
The True Story About College Term Paper Writing That the Experts Don't Want You to Hear Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for College Term Paper Writing An objective viewpoint Many individuals discover that it's incredibly tough to write about themselves, particularly highlighting their most compelling expert experience, qualifications and abilities. You can rely on the ideal essay help online. In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with our friendly support team night and day and get immediate assistance. Understanding how to compose a research question isn't just reflective of very good writing abilities but how students can think in research provisions. There's no difference whether you need to compose a term paper on Math or English. Generally, there are several reasons to purchase college term paper. To compose a college term paper of a great quality might be very costly occasionally. Term paper help enables students to understand that there's a whole lot of work and time which goes into preparing a term paper. Now you can get genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done also. Work is performed under various Subjects each headed by means of a Referee. In looking at a certain web article you have found, start looking for information that aids with each part of your paper. What are you attempting to achieve with your website. So to start with you want to determine what the subject of your future website is. Narrowing down your website topic might be quite useful. There isn't any chance our client might have any problems connected with that phenomenon because all the papers are made on fresh ideas. Employing the net for finding sources and data about your research paper subject is a fantastic and effective method to do a great deal of your research. It is vital to cover all issues to reveal your knowledge. The actual men and women highly praise our essay help site. The 5-Minute Rule for College Term Paper Writing There are lots more subtle variations when writing a bibliography and the entire process of making a bibliography can be a minefield. Custom written especially for you're able to unlock a plagiarism detection software is just one of anti-plagiarism software, and popular forms of users to boost their data. The procedure is extremely straightforward. The program also supplies several languages for comparison purposes, in order for your plagiarism search gets even more effective. Reread your paper's principal point and support paragraphs to find out whether any extra facts are required to help your paper. Generic cover letters are a huge no-no, so make certain you find out! After you have selected your sources, be sure to document the crucial data to construct your bibliography based on the guidelines of your writing style. There's a quantity of powerful research paper topics for the most intriguing regions of investigation. College Term Paper Writing Features There are many ways about how to do research paper paraphrasing but the assistance of expert writers can be useful to help save you time and hassle. Ultimately, by paraphrasing you are going to be in a position to showcase your research paper is genuinely a critical portion of interest in your selected field. Our experts supply you with the writings of the maximum quality. It is very important that you paraphrase correctly as a way to avoid any plagiarism in your research paper. Who knew essay writing may be so tough. If you don't have time, you can purchase essays on Pro-Papers. At our essay support, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. A descriptive essay will concentrate on describing major points. There are a lot of writing styles that are applicable in a wide range of custom writing services. When used in an ideal context, technical language can help you communicate precisely with different specialists who possess precisely the same degree of expertise as your own. You must find out which style works best for you.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Canterbury Tales A Character Sketch Of Chaucers Knight Essay Example For Students
Canterbury Tales A Character Sketch Of Chaucers Knight Essay Canterbury Tales A Character Sketch of Chaucers KnightGeoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales, written in approximately 1385, is a collection of twenty-four stories ostensibly told by various people who are going on a religious pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral from London, England. Prior to the actual tales, however, Chaucer offers the reader a glimpse of fourteenth century life by way of what he refers to as a General Prologue. In this prologue, Chaucer introduces all of the characters who are involved in this imaginary journey and who will tell the tales. Among the characters included in this introductory section is a knight. Chaucer initially refers to the knight as a most distinguished man (l. 43) and, indeed, his sketch of the knight is highly complimentary. The knight, Chaucer tells us, possessed/Fine horses, but he was not gaily dressed (ll. 69-70). Indeed, the knight is dressed in a common shirt which is stained where his armor had left mark (l. 72). That is, the knight is just home from service (l. 73) and is in such a hurry to go on his pilgrimage that he has not even paused before beginning it to change his clothes. The knight has had a very busy life as his fighting career has taken him to a great many places. He has seen military service in Egypt, Lithuania, Prussia, Russia, Spain, North Africa, and Asia Minor where he was of value in all eyes l. 63. Even though he has had a very successful and busy career, he is extremely humble: Chaucer maintains that he is modest as a maid l. 65. Moreover, he has never said a rude thing to anyone in his entire life cf. , ll. 66-7. Clearly, the knight possesses an outstanding character. Chaucer gives to the knight one of the more flattering descriptions in the General Prologue. The knight can do no wrong: he is an outstanding warrior who has fought for the true faithaccording to Chauceron three continents. In the midst of all this contenton, however, the knight remains modest and polite. The knight is the embodiment of the chivalric code: he is devout and courteous off the battlefield and is bold and fearless on it. In twentieth century America, we would like to think that we have many people in our society who are like Chaucers knight. During this nations altercation with Iraq in 1991, the concept of the modest but effective soldier captured the imagination of the country. Indeed, the nations journalists in many ways attempted to make General H. Norman Schwarzkof a latter day knight. The general was made to appear as a fearless leader who really was a regular guy under the uniform. It would be nice to think that a person such as the knight could exist in the twentieth century. The fact of the matter is that it is unlikely that people such as the knight existed even in the fourteenth century. As he does with all of his characters, Chaucer is producing a stereotype in creating the knight. As noted above, Chaucer, in describing the knight, is describing a chivalric ideal. The history of the Middle Ages demonstrates that this ideal rarely was manifested in actual conduct. Nevertheless, in his description of the knight, Chaucer shows the reader the possibility of the chivalric way of life. how the hell do you work this thing?
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