Monday, September 30, 2019
Ammoco Caediz
On the morning of the 16 March 1978, the oil tanker Amoco Cadiz owned by Amoco Transport Co. suffered a technical failure of the steering system off the coast of Finistere in Brittany, France. The tanker was transporting 227,000 tonnes of crude oil from the Persian Gulf to Rotterdam (Netherlands) when the ship began to drift towards the coastline in a heavy storm. (Tides, 2008). The reason for the steering gear failure was seen to be because of the stormy weather conditions that the ship was facing.At 9:15 the Captain Pasquale Bandari hoisted the international signal for â€Å"Not Under Command. †But he did not request assistance until 11:20, when his engineer determined that the damage was irreparable. Two unsuccessful towing attempts the first a towrope, thrown at 1:30 am, this broke three hours later. Despite all the efforts made by the crews of both ships, the Amoco Cadiz started drifting to shore where touching the bottom ripped open the hull and storage tanks before sto pping on the Portsall Rocks on the Breton coast. cedre, 2008)The crew of the tanker was rescued by helicopter, but the ship broke in two releasing 230,000 tons of crude oil. This spread through the English Channel. The oil spill polluted approximately 300 kilometres of coastline, destroying fisheries, oysters and seaweed beds and also 76 beaches in the Breton community. (Lenntech, 2006) This was seen as the worst oil disaster the world had seen at that time. After the steering had failed the captain had made some unwise decisions that were made under pressure. It took 1 hour 45 minutes before the tug boat was called for.It also took 1 hour 30 minutes to negotiate a towing contract this did not help with the language problems with both parties. The second tow for the ship was very badly coordinated. All of these examples led to the ship splitting in half and losing all of the oil. (Kristiansen, 2005) Having a single propeller and also a single rudder the Amoco Cadiz was at risk of th e steering gear failing. This became a reality when it happened and the crew could do nothing to repair it. The fact was that the crew where ill prepared for the steering gear to fail.If they were more prepared or had two propellers this tragedy might not have happened. (Kristiansen, 2005) BIB http://www. cedre. fr/en/spill/amoco/amoco. php http://www. lenntech. com/environmental-disasters. htm#1. _Bhopal:_the_Union_Carbide_gas_leak http://www. kozacky. com/site/files/789/74616/284382/393597/matter_oil_spill_by. pdf http://www. itopf. com/information-services/data-and-statistics/case-histories/alist. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Amoco_Cadiz http://news. bbc. co. uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/march/24/newsid_2531000/2531211. stm
Sunday, September 29, 2019
At the end of Measure for Measure the Duke has apparently caused a good deal of chaos, including the near execution of a man whose only crime is having sex with his lover, all for no apparent reason. At the beginning of the play he hands over power to Angelo, even though Angelo says that he is not ready for it. The Duke then goes into disguise as the Friar and essentially plays games with people’s lives. It is thus not surprising that the people might want to overthrow him. The first argument that would be used, and perhaps the most powerful, would be that the Duke is the Duke. The idea that a person had a divine right to power through the â€Å"divine right of Kings†was powerful at this time. The Duke might have done some bad things – I would seem a fool if I didn’t admit this – but he made everything right in the end, and anyway, God has chosen him as Duke through birth. For better or worse he is the Duke, and the people should think twice before replacing him. First, if you get rid of leadership through birth, what system will replace it? Second, what likely candidates are there for being Duke instead of him? The most likely, at least as far as birth and position is, ironically, Angelo. The rebels should be asked the question of whether they would prefer the present Duke or Angelo as their leader. I think the answer is quite easy to predict.  This is based upon the quite practical, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t argument. This should appeal to the practical kind of people who would probably be wanting to remove the Duke at the end of the play. Another argument would be to suggest that the Duke was showing how a real leader should act through putting a man who would be tempted by power in charge. Thus a real leader, such as the Duke himself, knows that the laws are written by men and are thus fallible. He becomes the Duke of â€Å"dark corners†to show that at times a leader must bend with the wind rather than applying the law absolutely. This argument suggests that the Duke knew that Angelo would turn out to be a bad leader, and let him carry on with it, even when people’s lives were at stake.  This showed the people that the Duke had their best interests at heart through showing them just how bad a leader Angelo would be, or someone like him, if the Duke was removed or died without an heir. Another argument is the fact that despite obviously quite enjoying the kind of chaos and risk which ensued when he gave up power, the Duke never showed any sign of indulging this when he was acting as Duke. He thus did not succumb to the temptation of absolute power as Angelo did. This will be argument for the fact that the Duke, probably coming from a whole line of similarly powerful people, as the blood and temperament to control the city, even though his imagination might lead elsewhere. The people might also be persuaded by the fact that at the end of the play everything is actually excellently resolved. The right people are marrying the right people, others have been pardoned when they deserve it and even, as in the case of Barnadine, when they don’t. Even the Duke has rescued Isabella from what is regarded as a terrible life in the convent and will marry her. This ensures that the Duke will soon have an heir to take over form him, and the succession of Dukes will be preserved. This being the case, why not forget the past rather than trying to bring about retribution for the Duke’s misdeeds. Trying to remove the Duke might also cause a miniature civil war. It is unlikely that he or his supporters will go quietly. Also, the Dukes of neighboring cities might come to the Duke’s rescue because they fear the precedent of removing a Duke when the people don’t like him could spread to their cities. Or they may come to the â€Å"rescue†of the city through invading it while there is a power vacuum. That way the people would lose their Duke and their city. So I would appear to several different arguments in order to save the Duke from the planned rebellion. First, he is the Duke and has the divine right to be so because he has been chosen by God. Secondly, what he did was actually a favor to everyone because it removed someone (Angelo) from contention of ever becoming Duke who appeared to be good material but actually turned out to be a total disaster. Third, the Duke showed that he understands the dark side of human nature, and even has his fair share of it himself, but ahs been able up to this time to keep it in check. He has been a just Duke up until this point – that is why Angelo’s strict and eventually hypocritical decisions seem so harsh. Fourth, the Duke has shown just how difficult it is to be a Duke, and the people should think twice about replacing him because of the uncertainty of what will follow. Fifth, the Duke restores peace and harmony at the end of the play, and he is even getting married himself so he can now have an heir in waiting. Sixth, if they try to remove him a war will almost certainly occur, and the whole city may be lost. To conclude, perhaps the best argument, if Shakespeare’s plays exist in this imaginary world of â€Å"after the play ends†will be the title of one of his other dark comedies: â€Å"all’s well that ends well†. Of course the question left by this play is â€Å"well is it?†, and the citizens are perhaps right to ask whether a man who could everything the Duke has done should continue in power. Bu the alternatives are too uncertain, too bloody and too chaotic to imply that the Duke should be replaced. In the final part of the argument I would make clear that all those who were presently planning to remove the Duke will receive a full and absolute pardon. They might continue with the rebellion just because they are afraid of what would happen if they don’t, and yet have revealed themselves as potential rebels. However, I would mark down the names of all those involved carefully and watch them on behalf of the Duke in the future. . . .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How live chat works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How live chat works - Essay Example Since the modern trend of faster the better, the consumer are also looking for answers to their questions and looking for them fast. The rise of the Internet have amplified this impatience. Live chat provides an immediate response right where the consumers are, no picking up the phone, no waiting for an email. In addition, live chat provides the two way interaction that ensures a consumer’s question has been answered properly and to the full degree (). This type of speed and accuracy is driving customers back to live chat time and time again. This reports presents the attractive features in modern Live Chat based on service providers such as and chat service providers(livechatinc, websitealive). Today’s Live Chat has gone beyond receiving a simple message and responding it with a another simple message. Anyone can add Live Chat to their website by just adding a simple coding segment to the existing script. Once the code is placed in a appropriate place in your website it provides an attractive chat invitation with a link. The client side chat window provides a user friendly interface where anyone can start interacting without any training. The client side window the agent information with chat session, conversation details such as Chat transcript, alerts and notifications, toolbar, and a typing indicator for both the agent and visitor to know when the other is typing the message. The agent window provides the interface for an agent at the company side to interact with the customer and provide solution for their needs. Apart from feature common to client side chat window the agent is given the option to interact with multiple clients with their details through tabs wh ere the agent can add a customer, transfer the customer to another agent, and create a conference or stop the chat. Apart from its primary function a range of other management feature are also provided. One of the exiting
Friday, September 27, 2019
Krima Co-operative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Krima Co-operative - Essay Example Customers’ tastes keep changing and doing quality management is advised continuously in every business. Another reason for having to do a quality control management is mainly due to the competition cropping from small co-operatives. In addition to this, Krima co-operatives plan on starting to export their products and they have to ensure that their products meet all the quality requirements set by the bureau of standards in all different countries. It is difficult to understand precisely what customers need and want and this is where quality management comes in. All customers have different tastes and they want the product they will consume to have a particular peculiar character. Quality management focuses on both service and product. It has four components; quality control, quality management, quality improvement and quality assurance. There is no one definition of quality management but (Rawlins, pg34. 2009) says that it is a set of rules or procedures that ensure a product or service is designed in such a way that it satisfies a customer’s needs. Kezner (14, 2009) calls it business management because it is a way of ensuring that sales are made every day and, thus a business does not end up failing. It can therefore be looked at in terms of satisfaction for both the business and customer’s needs. ... Mostly, quality assurance procedures are done by an independent third party like a government quality control group using a planned system of review procedures. The above procedures do take time and resources and therefore it is important I prepare you. However, you should note that this is not a waste of time or resources; there are many reasons why I believe this business needs quality management. This is not just for the purpose of improving quality, but also to ensure that a product meets all the needs of the customer. The question we should ask ourselves is; with all the competition we are facing from other companies right now, what is it that we aim to improve before our competitors reach where we are? Is this going to be a long term or short term solution when dealing with our competitors? What is it that our competitors are offering that our customers might be attracted to? Quality management may be able to help us answer the above questions and in turn improve our business. I had mentioned earlier that I am aware that you plan to import your products, it is therefore important to know if our product will meet the needs of our clients in the other countries. At the end of this project, we will have ensured that our product not only creates competition but it is consistent with the requirements of the customer. Tamime (44, 2009) says that in any milk processing industry, quality management ensures that a customer keeps coming back for more and referrals are made. On the same page, he says that this has been the secret of many businesses. 2. Characteristics and dimensions of milk products quality. A once successful business owner of a milk manufacturing company said that there are three processes a product passes through before going to the market. The first
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Total Quality Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Total Quality Management - Case Study Example Total Quality Management helps in integration of activities, which constitutes of the integrated system of various principles and is the prime determinants of sustainable competitive advantage for any other company. To retain customers and to create customer value the management needs to focus on providing employees a service, which is customer effective than its competitors. The customer satisfaction transforms into customer delight when the services and goods exceed customer expectations. TQM approach helps in improving the quality of services and goods on a continuous basis, which involves the participation of the individuals at every level and phase of organization. The Japanese organizations were the first to adopt the TQM approach during the early 1950’s. TQM includes methods like Just in Time and Jidoka, which means in station quality. Just in Time system is the most widely used TQM approach which involves the flow of materials in processed way where the right part is r eceived at the right time and the right place. (Radisic, n.d.).The Kanban or the instructions are received from customers and helps in the process of replenishment of the material parts. The results are the establishment of pull approach towards production activities followed in most of the companies. The concept of Jidoka is extremely complex in nature and is not popular amongst other companies. This relates to the types of intelligence machine, which has the potentiality of stopping the production process
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Promoting education of Islamic Finance In Australia Research Paper
Promoting education of Islamic Finance In Australia - Research Paper Example This is one of the reasons why Australia is very keen in promoting Islamic finance services in the country. However, it has been proven that education is extremely important in responding to the growing interest in Islamic finance (Zubair, 2008). Thus, the main thrust of this paper is to promote education of Islamic finance in Australia. This is to provide alternative education model to attract Muslim students from all over the world; and at the same time attracting locals to a new education development in the field of finance. The demand of Islamic financial services among Muslims in Australia is rapidly growing, and to address this concern, the country entered the Islamic finance. Muslim population in Australia is relatively high because of its long-standing trade ties and cooperation to different Muslim countries (Khaleej Times, 2010). According to the current assistant treasurer of Australia Nick Sherry (2010), â€Å"the Islamic finance, banking and insurance market [that] is worth almost $1 trillion is growing rapidly and could reach as much as $5 trillion.†Several institutions in the country are now offering Islamic financial services like Murababa, Ijara, and Musharaka where Muslims and non-Muslims can borrow with no interest and no trading debt (Ahmad, 2010, p.38). This is in response to the local and global potential demands for Islamic finance services in the country. However, the preface of Islamic finance in Australia is relatively new and as expected, not all of the Muslims and non-Mus lims fully understand the principles of Shariah and the Islamic banking concept sector. The Islamic Financial Services Programs (IFSPs) in Australia can be well implemented if the people are fully aware on the entirety of the program and this can be done through education. Several Islamic institutes are looking forward to a day that Shariah’s standard will be recognized in the academic and training
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Understand the sources of finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Understand the sources of finance - Essay Example Sources of Finance Name University Body An outline of the various (at least 8) sources of finance that participants may choose from. (AC 1.1 Identification the sources of finance available to a business) Trade credit refers to the purchase of goods and services on the basis of credit; this means that the business can purchase the raw materials from its suppliers on credit basis. Business can even ask for a loan from a particular bank if it wants to finance its operations. The business can even save money by obtaining discounts on purchase of raw material by paying money in cash; various suppliers provide discounts to those businesses that pay their invoices in cash. Bank overdraft refers to the allowance of obtaining higher amount of finance than the depositor has deposited in his/her bank account. Business tend to share its profits among shareholders as dividends after a particular period of time, businesses can use this profit for operational and expansion purposes instead of distributing as dividends. Business can decrease the amount of inventory they hold, this will help them use the money for other purposes and money will not remain tied up in inventory for a longer period of time. Business can delay the payments it has to make to its creditors and suppliers and they can even sell portions of the company to the public and obtain finance for their operations. The legal, dilution of control and bankruptcy implications of the various sources of finance identified (AC 1.2 Assessment the implications of the different sources) There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with the financing sources obtained through external financing sources. The advantages of external financing sources stated in this report are that these finances can be obtained at a very fast pace, the cost of obtaining these finances is quite lower and the amount of interest paid for these sources are even at a very lower end. These sources of finance are quite flexible, the repayment method of these sources of fi nance is even quite easy and terms of financing are simple. These sources of finances are although used for financing short term financial requirements, but they can be obtained for the longer run. For example: the time period of repayment to creditors can be extended. There are even disadvantages associated with the stated external sources of finance, the business has to bare the burden of paying interest even of the business ends up making a loss and has to repay the loan amount (NEEDHAM, 1995, p.99). Another problem with this source of finance is that, in order to obtain a bank loan an organization has to give something to bank as collateral. If the organization fails to repay the loan, the bank sells the collateral in order to retain the amount they have given to the organization as loan. During the periods of recession and economic downtrend, businesses face decline in profits and even experience loss due to which they face issues in obtaining bank loans and suppliers do not tr ust them and do not offered goods and services in credit form to the organization. An analysis of the financial implications (e.g. tangible and opportunity costs), and tax effects of using the various sources of finance that you outlined in AC1.1 and AC1.2 above (AC 2.1 Analyse the costs of different sources of finance) There are severa
Monday, September 23, 2019
Why Failure is on the Path to Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why Failure is on the Path to Success - Essay Example But, what value is education if students are not fully prepared to go out into the world and discover a career that they can be successful at? The truth is that the option to fail students is an important part of a quality education system. Mary Sherry, in â€Å"In Praise of the F Word,†argues for the idea that students must be flunked if they are not up to standard. There are three reasons why the choice to fail a student must be present: the fear of failure, and competition, lead to a better quality student, education is worthless if a student does not develop sufficient career skills, and failure can sometimes be inevitable in order for a student to achieve success. The choice to fail students must be an option because the fear of failure, and competition, lead to a better quality student. The majority of students do not possess the ability to motivate themselves from within. There are of course the rare few who have the natural ability to always excel at any task that the y perform. If students are not given clear boundaries and expectations, then they are likely to meander without a goal or vision. If a student is not permitted to fail, then there is no incentive to excel. It is then good enough just to survive through school while not learning anything to a high degree. Almost every student would not voluntarily choose to fail, so if the option is presented to them, then they will certainly do everything to avoid it. Learning to compete and strive for excellence at all times is actually beneficial to a student because with enough guidance, they can motivate themselves enough to actually succeed. Just like in Communist countries, where everyone receives the same pay no matter the profession, there is no incentive to actually improve because it is possible to get by with just doing the bare minimum. Another reason why failure must be considered an option is because education is worthless if a student does not develop sufficient career skills. A few h undred years ago, the education institutions that are in place today were not yet founded. The majority of the population was uneducated, and thus could not rise in the economic ladder. When education began, the whole purpose was to equip people with skills that they could use to uplift themselves. If students do not possess the knowledge required after receiving an education, then their teachers, and the education system as a whole, have ultimately failed them. Not only that letting students pass who have not truly earned their qualifications not only deceives the student, but any employer that is considering hiring them. As Mary Sherry says in â€Å"In Praise of the F Word,†â€Å"passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills.†Finally, failure must be on the table because failure can sometimes be inevitable in order for a student to achieve success. There are some students who are naturally gi fted, and education is a breeze to them. That is all fine and good, and those students should be encouraged to go as far as they can. However, the vast majority of students do not know how to succeed because they are not naturally gifted. These students often fail simply because they are unsure of how to succeed. But, failing makes up a significant part of their education process because only once they fail do they realize what it takes to succeed. If failure is not an option, then they may appear to succeed, but will their appeared success help them at all? As Thomas Edison once said, failing is only finding one way that does not succeed. Once failures are eliminated, then success can be reached. Most people are afraid of failure, and rightly so, but
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Political Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Political Theory - Essay Example Different scholarly works feature what justice is to some historical people. For instance, Aristotle is one philosopher who aims at claiming and establishing sobriety within the helm of justice. His philosophical works of Plato also play the part in the context of determining the viability of being moral. The essay aims at discussing the problem of morality and the appropriate ways to consider justice within all contexts of life, especially that of political leadership. It will consider the significant and distinctive ideologies issued by the subject philosophers and compare with the understanding about the entire scenario. Scholarly evidence indicates that there are different approaches to morality, especially with respect to practicing of justice. There are myriad scenarios where morality counts. For instance, the leadership and practice of professional activities such as medicine require utmost practice of morality. Arguably, their myriad scenarios call for different approaches towards achieving moral standards (Abramson, 2009). Moral standards ought to be detached from any other influence. Such inference can be supported by the Plato’s and Aristotle’s concepts regarding morality. One of the character traits of being moral is observing unobstructed justice. However, there are some contradicting issues regarding how one ought to take or consider being moral. â€Å"Socrates in shorter order will teach him that justice is a different and higher virtue than friendship, that justice in fact operates as a moral brake on what one can do to help friends, family and country.†( Abramson, 2009) The political arena considers distinctive approaches towards morality. Different political literature features some historical or philosophical derivations of what the art of morality entails. Thus, the issue ends with a situation of where
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Problem of Water in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Essay Example for Free
The Problem of Water in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Essay The promised land is primarily an arid land: Israel has very scarce water resources to ensure its survival. The water issue is a central part of the relationship that Israel maintains with its neighbors. The Middle East is a geographical area that is experiencing what experts have called a state of water stress, that is to say, a structural imbalance between a limited water capital and a consumption in strong growth given its population and pace of economic development. One cannot validly address the water battle in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and more broadly in the context of the crisis in the Middle East, without adressing the effect of a set of epiphenomena guaranteeing peace or war. The water issue has taken a clear geopolitical character in relations between Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Tensions have their origin in the large disparity in consumption between the two communities that share the same sources of water. Water is a crucial dimension in the conflict between Israel and Palestine. In this region the semi desert climate, where rainfall is absent from April to September with temperatures during the period between 30Â °C and 50Â °C. The issue of water is a critical dimension in the peace process. The water control is what makes the viability and economic power of the Hebrew state. It quickly became the cornerstone of the Zionist strategy from the early twentieth century. One may wonder then what role does water occupy in the culture and religion of the State of Israel. How and to what extent this natural element, is an important cultural and religious symbol in the country’s politics? How could the Hebrew State accept to share more equitably an already scarce resource? From the early twentieth century, Zionist leaders were already aware of the crucial importance of water in a hypothetical state of Israel well before its inception. Chaim Weizman, who became the first president of the Jewish state, imagined in 1919 to include the Litani River, an affluent of the Jordan river within Israeli borders. The border will eventually be established a few kilometers further south, leaving control of the strategic point to Lebanon. In 1953, the young state of Israel embarked on the construction of a huge pipeline from the north of the Sea of Galilee to the Negev desert. But Syria immediately intervenes and prevents it by using canons. The construction site will start over safely in the south. After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank and the Syrian part of the Golan, two strategic objectives for the water supply. The Golan Heights is a natural water reservoir that feeds the lake of Tiberias. Afraid that Syria would divert the rivers that descend into its own territory away from Israel, the Hebrew State has refused to cede the Golan to Syria. It is a fact that for the past 65 years, the Jewish state uses much of the groundwater flowing in its territory. Two-thirds of Israels water needs are provided by the groundwater of the West Bank, which are more exposed to pollution and overfishing. The depletion, combined with the arrival of new migrants, only accentuates the problem. The water potential of the West Bank consists of the surface water of the Jordan River and a few small streamsplus its groundwater regularly regenerated by the rains. Water availability is of great concern for Israel and the Occupied Territories, as it is well below the threshold of 500 cubic meters per year per capita. Withdrawals exceed the availables resources, and there is an overexploitation of groundwaters. Indeed, the groundwaters that benefit from an easy and inexpensive access are often overused, and they may experience significant drawdowns. This causes salinization. When they are in coastal position there is an intrusion of sea water. Operators then only pump salt or brackish water into the shallowest wells. This phenomenon is known in Gaza, Palestine, where the water table is gradually becoming unfit for human consumption. In this alarming context, Israel exploits most of the water leaving the Palestinians to settle for the bare minimum. The greater part of Israel resources was obtained after the creation of Israel in 1948, with the occupation of territories and the appropriating of all supply sources in the region. The occupation of the different territories called occupied is hydro-strategic, as it was of course, a territorial extension, but no matter which one it allowed for an increase in control over water resources in the region. The hydro-strategy can be defined as the art of maneuvering forces to accomplish politics in terms of hydraulic considerations. Israel controls all the water system in the occupied territories of Palestine. It has organized a deliberate unequal sharing of water resources: Israel diverts 75% of water resources from the occupied territories, leaving only 25% to the Palestinians. The average water consumption per capita of an Israeli is 5 times greater than that of a Palestinian. Besides water rationing, the Palestinians are victims of destruction of wells, water pipe and sanitation by the Israeli army. Israel has continued to establish Jewish settlements in the occupied territories. It is a way to be closer to the water reserves, or by diverting them to their advantage. Overexploited wells in Gaza makes water unfit for domestic consumption. Water quotas imposed by Israel make development impossible in the occupied territories endangering the survival of the Palestinians and causes serious health problems. The 26th mission of protection of the Palestinian people, in July 2002 has revealed the destruction of wells, sanitation and water pipes in the Gaza Strip and the Rafah area. Today, two thirds of Israels water needs are provided by resources from outside the 1948 borders: about one third comes from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and one third comes from the Sea of Galilee and the Yarmuk. 5% of the water of the occupied territories is consumed by Israel and its colonies. The population ratio between Israel and the Territories is 2 to 1 and the consumption of water is 11 to 1. Future discussions with the Palestinians will be difficult: they claim 80% of the resources of the West Bank. This would mean a 20% reduction of resources currently available for Israel. The issue of water is of utmost importance in an eventual peace settlement. On the other hand, Israel does not seem to concede some of the resources, and therefore Israel does not enforce many regulations despite their protest. Ignoring the Geneva Conventions, the Israeli government applies to the Occupied Territories a law dating from 1959 making water public property under the control of the state. Indeed, just after the occupation, control of water was given to the military authority which forbade any new water-related infrastructure construction. It then grabbed all water resources in Palestine declaring state ownership. In 1982, the Israeli water company, Mekorot, took control of the Palestinian water resources. Palestinian wells are destroyed and water resources are drained by drilling large-scale samples from deep wells for Israeli use only. Military legislation is introduced and colonization means the strategic maintenance of water resources in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, without which Israel can not grow or survive. Therefore we understand how the control of water and land, inseparable pair, leads the Zionist strategy. Israeli agricultural policy is the very expression of the Zionist ideal of flourishing the desert. Exports are also a way to show to the world that Israel lacks nothing in terms of quality of life, it is bound to be a great ountry, and the immigration of Jews to Israel, considered as a safe haven, may still continue. This is the reason why no Israeli politician can give up on the blue gold of the Occupied Territories. Israel sees as a casus belli any attempt to appropriate water resources by neighboring countries. This is the case for example of Syria which covets a part of Jordan. Today the Gaza Strip returned to the Palestinians is an area that has experienced excessive pumping so that its remai ning water is unfit for consumption (pollution, salinization ). The groundwaters sources take decades to recover. The long-term prospects are alarming because the region lacks water and miss more because resources are limited and demand will only increase, given the high population growth on both sides. The World Bank predicts that by 2040 the demand for Israel, the Occupied Territories and Jordan could rise to 7 billion cubic meters. As of 1994 the Israeli water consumption was 2 billion cubic meters per year. However the local ressources can in theory only ensure 1. 5 billion cubic meters. Clearly the resources of the Jordan River Basin are inadequate. Therefore the solution could be by regional water transfers, hence the interest in Lebanese Litany river, or the costly use of unconventional resources: desalination of sea water, wastewater recycling, etc. However, financial resources are unequal and the Palestinians will not be able to afford to take on these costs. Thus, the prospect of regional cooperation could be a difficult solution to implement, but achievable because this water so rare and valuable will also be greatly missed by Israel if the overexploitation are maintained at this rate.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Joint Venture Analysis of Starbucks
Joint Venture Analysis of Starbucks Introduction: In 1971, Starbucks started their journey and now they are operating more than 50 countries in the world. Their total number of store is about 16,706 in 16000 locations around the world. Most of them 8850 stores are operated by the company and the rest of them are licensed store. [1] Globalization is a movement toward economic, financial, trade, and connections integration globally. In broader sense, globalisation implies free transfer of capital, goods, and services across around the globe. In business context, cooperation and competitiveness both are embraced by globalization. Major perceptive of depending on each other and shared responsibilities at work across company and nationwide boundaries come from idea of cooperation. The awareness developed by the idea of competitiveness that cooperation without motivation is fruitless to failure and that only practical encouragement can continuous development and growth become a normal way of life.( Globalization of business: practic e and theory by Abbas Ali) Theory of international trade: The exchange of capital, goods, services across international borders or territories is basically international trade. The crucial to the persistence of globalization is in increasing of international trade. The lacking of international trade and it caused limited goods and services produced within their own borders. There are different model of international trade for the business. Ricardian model Ricardian model mainly take in consideration on comparative advantage it is one of the most important concept in international trade theory. In this model, give importance on countries specialization in producing most excellent. The major drawback of this theory is that does not believe factor endowments like labour and capital with respective to country. Heckscher-Ohlin model The Heckscher-Ohlin theory focuses that resources required for countries producing and exporting goods. Accoding to Heckscher-Ohlin theory, a country should used most plentiful and cheapest resources in producing and exporting goods. It has some core assumption: Capital and labour flow freely between sectors Labour and capital may vary between two countries (difference in endowments) Free trade Technology is the same diagonally countries (long-term) Tastes are same. [i] Current situation and performance of Starbucks: Starbucks has created a global chain in market industry around the world. This company is operating more than 50 countries and their estimated turnover is about $5300 million in each year. Their main product is coffee and demand of the product is increasing globally. Starbucks cafe is very reputed and around 30 million customer visit in each week. This is one of the credit sides for the Starbucks. [2] Currently Starbucks seems a rising part of their business and is going to become a leading global organisation in the world. Companys global market capturing and their effectiveness in ventures made them successful in achieving organizational goals. There are many countries where are operating their business. These are: Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, United Kingdom, and the United States, Bahrain, Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, and Peoples Republic of China, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sou th Korea, and Switzerland. Their way of attracting customer attention is very important for the business to become worldwide brand that actually helping them to manage partnership of reputed company. This is positive side for Starbucks to move in future and its international market developments. This is one of the strengths for to be a foremost coffee retailer around the world. [3] Human resource management evaluation: Human resource management plays an important role in the organisation by managing human resource inside the organisation. In order to improve skills of employees requires learning. It does not matter how the candidate is, they can be best or 100% qualified. It can be solved by human resource management by implementing learning management system. (Beardwell Holden, 1997). Every employee should have the knowledge about the various processes that they can develop skill in specified area. They need to respond 100% in their job. Thats why human resource management and normal management need to cooperate with each other. The companys principle rules mainly focus on employees and how to guide them according to mission of the organisation. Moreover, Starbucks gives facilities to their employees by creating good work environment as well as treat with them with friendly. Starbucks also provide training to their employees for the enhancement of knowledge, attitudes and skills that they need to perform task supplied by the employer. Starbucks also motivate their employee to perform task well. They also informed to their employees about everything. Employees are also capable to work under pressure easily. They also evaluate their employees through various programs as well as developed their employees to compete globally. When they recruit people newly then they must provide training for them. [4] External environment analysis (opportunities and threats): Starbucks is operating in more than 30 countries around the globe including United States by Joint venture, licensing and entirely owned. For subsidiary company needs a lot of training, supervising, management assistance and technology transfer for the partner. Product innovation is very effective for them and it came out with new products. Starbucks also focused on diversification. It also entered into alliances with different company to serve coffee. International Business Expansion Strategies of Starbucks: Subsidiary Starbucks Coffee International Inc. started its journey as subsidiary of Starbucks which was formed in 1995.As a subsidiary it is liable to introduce improvement challenges beyond North America which combines stores planning and financing, logics and operational management, merchandising of business, improvisation of skilled and matured mangers of Starbucks international (Kotha and Glassman 2003) and introducing new strategy of business development. The international courses of expansion and strategies are managed by the International Starbucks as a separate owned subsidiary. Two strategies are followed when introducing in a brand new market. Licensing and joint venture are the chosen two. International Joint Venture The joint venture introduces a strategy towards managerial liabilities .A strategy for new business entity comes with shared ownership which is implied by two or more farms. The agenda of venture strategy is mostly for short time period with some particular quoted mottoes. Starbucks (Briscoe and Schuler 2004) is an example of adopting such strategy in business internationally.(Schuler et al 2003) Two or more parent farms which deeply invest resources as well as financial momentum to convince particular aims that introduced International joint ventures(IJVs) which are different organizational entities both in legal and economical perspectives. Joint venture introduces a strategy towards managerial liabilities .A strategy for new business entity comes with shared ownership which is implied by two or more farms. The agenda of venture strategy is mostly for short time period with some particular quoted mottoes. Starbucks (Briscoe and Schuler 2004) is an example of adopting such strategy in business internationally.(Schuler et al 2003) Two or more parent farms which deeply invest resources as well as financial momentum to convince particular aims that introduced International joint ventures(IJVs) which are different organizational entities both in legal and economical perspectives. Manufacturing and foreign joint venture; licensing and joint venture; franchising and joint venture are example of combination market entry strategies. Licensing and joint ventures are the strategies that applied with Starbucks international. Mostly the stores located in USA are owned under corporation, other than USA the stores are under corporation or owned partially in joint ventures (Alexandrides and Bowers2005). Licensing Manufacturing or marketing someones good(s) for international business success depends on licensing rights. The basic way of entering in new location of business through showing positivity to the binding of contract .Such as; licensing the goods, technology help to other farm and absolute services. In return for royalty payment; the corporation sells a particular right to introduce and advertise the good under these criteria. Starbucks does not need to undertake any monetary actions for partnership investment under this particular method. It is an amicable way to get access in international market. Starbucks can also benefit from granting license to a licensee that is more familiar with the market. [5] Entry strategies in action: Strategic alternative options for Starbucks: Having analysed the external and internal forces of Starbucks it is now possible to generate three possible future strategic decisions. These strategies will be analysed thoroughly before one of them is recommended as the best way forward. The options I have chosen to analyse are Diversification, Mergers and Expansion. If a business is in diversification, it starts making new products or contribution new services. Businesses can diversify in two ways; related and unrelated. I propose Starbucks attempt related diversification; by this I mean diversification reflecting some connection with the organisations activities. Starbucks is successful in appropriate development method or not: The path chosen by Starbucks is the appropriate way to expand the business globally considering every aspects and expertise of the business. Strategy like licensing and joint venture helped to uplift the quality and service of Starbucks. As mentioned earlier Starbucks adopts the partnership method with a local experienced farm. This method delivers vast opportunities to scrutinise the local consumers more closely. As a result it was easy to cope up with the local consumers expectations and inject success in the business. Alternative methods might be suitable for the company: Strategy like franchising or cross-selling can be elected by Starbucks when entering in a new region. It is more licensing alike. Company like McDonalds which represents the perfect example of franchising. In the scenario of McDonalds, the real company allows franchising terms to other current farms to deliver their goods. Other than North America every business of Starbucks is owned partially. On the other hand, McDonalds is a representation of franchising which is owned by separate corporations. Starbucks may adopt method like franchising. In the franchising method, the relation is more parallel between both parties. In this strategy the franchisee is more controlled by the franchisor. Starbucks use of different methods in different markets: While entering markets the strategy may vary place to place. Before making any further entry to a new market a company must keep certain countable factors to make the investment successful. Internal as well as external facts should not be ignored. Starbucks does assessments like ethical, economical, sociological, industrial positioning and other factors. There are three important groups of facts which are assessed prior accessing in a new market. Environment of business in that very country, environment of home country and important factors of company are the must do three. Political stability of business, conditions like macroeconomics, potentiality of resources, size of the market and internal economical relation are included in host country environment. Factors like expansion of foreign economy, conditions of market and government positivity towards foreign exchange are included in host country environment. Resources of company and capabilities of the farm are included under compa ny specific environment. Development Mode can be combined with other Expansion Methods: Starbucks believes to accumulate different methods to inject success in the business. It adopts the licensing strategy to ensure the quality of the product and services are good enough to please the consumers. Licensing is the way of expanding and at the same time; joint venture applies for the growth or development of the business. Starbucks scrutinises the external countable factors at the entry level of new locations. On the basis of three must do assessments; it considers the strategies that should be undertaken. The best locations and targets are chosen on the result of the analytical assessments. The success of the business depends on the entry level strategy and operation of assessments. The success of the business does not only a result of best location; it is also a accumulated events of proper planning, entry level operation and funding. The home country methods generally come along with the strategies named Corporate and business level. [6] Starbucks joint venture and strategic alliance: Starbucks need for joint ventures and strategic alliance to move forward: In 2004, Starbucks was operating in more than 25 countries but now they are operating more than 50 countries around the glove. There are many advantages in being part of a joint venture. Through joint ventures it is possible to gather knowledge about the countrys culture, language, political system, and business systems. [7] They are already holding strong joint ventures with good strategic alliance in different countries in the world. They have established strong reputed brand image of their product. They are now getting full culture support from different countries by understanding the need for people, which reflect their good strategy in business. If we compare with the current market situation, we found that their consumptions of coffee is around 50% in Europe with in big tradition of coffee consumption in people And they are good in gaining market share. In Asian market coffee consumption is around 15% with high market impending. Starbucks dont need joint expansion of vent ures because of high dominating power in current international market with established brand name and image. They have huge manpower as well and high standing reputation in the market and they dont need to spend more on advertising. [8] Starbucks are now as a top level company in the world and also they are paying high salaries and benefits to their employees. Further if they will go for joint venture their might have the possibility of losing customers. Employees who they are working now do not feel to leave because their way of treating is very friendly with employees by maintaining high standard. They already have strong strategies and good product innovation system because of good holdings in the market. Starbucks are now selling ice cream outside of their different stores and super markets; they are getting good response from there, just because of their established brand name. Starbucks are continuously developing their strategies for running business in different countries around the globe and with high effectiveness. They are also spending more on value chain recruitment and payment to customer service. Starbucks are now finding new locations for the business and their business plans, mission, aims and corporate social responsibilities these all they doing from the part of good strategy they have. Without these they cant move forward and cannot be competitive in the market as well. Factors that can lead to Starbucks success: Innovation Through inducing of environmental friendly products Customer safety maintain Store facilities should be improved Some steps should be taken on-Need employee motivation through incentives and job satisfaction as well. The location of their company must be strategic. They also need to improve corporate social responsibilities though helping farmers in their livelihood as well as their houses, irrigation system etc. The company have focus on pricing strategies by comparing demand of product. They will have to focus on neglected customer and need research on tea speciality market. [9] Conclusion: Starbucks has now become leading multi-national company in the world by operating more than 50 countries in the world though establishing a leading global brand. Globally they are established and running their business effectively. They also change the concept of coffee shop into different manner like it can be meeting place, dating place or business place. My research: In 1971, Starbucks started their journey and now they are operating more than 50 countries in the world. Their total number of store is about 16,706 in 16000 locations around the world. Most of them 8850 stores are operated by the company and the rest of them are licensed store. In 2004, Starbucks was operating in more than 25 countries but now they are operating more than 50 countries around the glove. There are many advantages in being part of a joint venture. Through joint ventures it is possible to gather knowledge about the countrys culture, language, political system, and business systems. They are now getting full culture support from different countries by understanding the need for people, which reflect their good strategy in business. If we compare with the current market situation, we found that their consumptions of coffee is around 50% in Europe with in big tradition of coffee consumption in people And they are good in gaining market share. In Asian market coffee consump tion is around 15% with high market impending. Starbucks are now as a top level company in the world and also they are paying high salaries and benefits to their employees. Further if they will go for joint venture their might have the possibility of losing customers. Employees who they are working now do not feel to leave because their way of treating is very friendly with employees by maintaining high standard. They already have strong strategies and good product innovation system because of good holdings in the market. Starbucks are continuously developing their strategies for running business in different countries around the globe and with high effectiveness. They are also spending more on value chain recruitment and payment to customer service. Starbucks are now finding new locations for the business and their business plans, mission, aims and corporate social responsibilities these all they doing from the part of good strategy they have. Without these they cant move forward a nd cannot be competitive in the market as well. To be successful in future Starbucks should focus on employee motivation through incentives and their job satisfaction as well. The location of their company must be strategic. They also need to improve corporate social responsibilities though helping farmers in their livelihood as well as their houses, irrigation system etc. The company have focus on pricing strategies by comparing demand of product.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Symbols, Symbolism, and Allusions in The Stranger (The Outsider) :: Camus Stranger Essays
Symbolism and Allusions in The Stranger " That's all for today, Monsieur Antichrist." " Specking very quickly and passionately, he told me that he believed in God, that it was his conviction that no man was so guilty that God would not forgive him, but in order for that to happened a man must repent and in so doing become like a child whose heart is open and ready to embrace all". A. The people in this short quote is Monsieur as the judge is talking to him. The judge don't think Monsieur believe in Jesus because Monsieur is always talking about how he does not care about anything and he rather just be in jail where he belongs. B. The quote that I think the author is trying to carry out through the story is the second quote I wrote down, because the author is saying that you need to repent and ask for forgiveness to God. Monsieur lawyer keeps telling him about Jesus and telling Monsieur that he needs to forget about the wrong things that he did in life and repent to God, but Monsieur being big headed is not going to listen because he think what he did is wrong and he should pay the price for what he did. C. The allusion that Albert Camus is trying to get at, is that people believed in antichrist and Albert is trying to say that if you do something wrong in life you can always repent and ask God for forgiveness. V. Representative Passage on Tone and Author's Philosophy " After a short time silence, he stood up and told me that he wanted to help me, that I interested him, and that, with God's help, he would do something for me." A. I think this passage tell us about the author prospective because he is telling us that if you ask for help and if you want the help it will happened. So what I am trying to say is that I if you are not a Christian and you have a friend that believe in Jesus and if you don't believe in Jesus you have to listen to your friend to understand what is going on so you can accept Jesus.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pheidias :: Essays Papers
Pheidias Often credited as being the â€Å"greatest†of all Ancient Greek sculptors, Pheidias, was a man gifted with both talent and turmoil. No one specific piece can definitely be attributed to the artist, but historical record suggests that he was the supervisor and main sculptor for works such as the Athena Parthenos and the Zeus for the temple at Olympia. Because many sculptures often attributed to him were designed with large quantities of gold and ivory, he is believed to have been extremely proficient with fine materials. He was Athenian; this scholars do not debate. His master is said to have been Agelades of Argos, though there is no proof to substantiate the claim#. Many believe that the majority of his pieces were commissioned by the city of Athens and, in turn, attribute many large public monumental sculptures to Pheidias, even though the dates do not always support this. Through my research, I agree with R.G. Haggar, that his career was launched when he was commissi oned to sculpt an Athenian monument to Marathon. Scholars argue whether or not the funds for this project came from the spoils of the war, or the Athenian government. In several ancient texts the name Pheidias appears and seems to always be followed by a positive statement about his sculpture. Plotinus (third century AD) writes of the giant statue of Zeus at Olympia and praises Pheidias for his skill, but the only proof that scholars and art historians have that the statue even existed is a coin that depicts an image similar to the way the statue is described#. R.G. Haggar contends that â€Å"the Parthenon statues remain the greatest monument to his genius†(Haggar 22), but does not believe he sculpted the majority of the images himself. Haggar believes that his role as â€Å"supervisor†over the massive commission was crucial to the presentation of the famed Athenian battles. Less than a year after the completion of the Athena Parthenos, Pheidias was brought to trial: the charge, embezzlement. A.W. Lawrence, who does not give specific sources, believes that he was exonerated from the embezzlement charges because all of the precious metal from the statue could be weighed. After the charge failed, he was again charged, publicly, this time with both misapp ropriating public funds and sacrilege. The latter charge existed because he had depicted himself and Perikles on the shield held by Athena.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Impact Of The Social Changes Of The Civil War Essay examples -- Am
The Impact of the Social Changes of the Civil War As the United States began to establish itself as a country, more and more problems began to surface within the nation. A perfect example of this would be the American Civil War, which significantly affected society. This brought about many changes within America such as women’s rights movements and decisions regarding African American freedom. Also many of the problems are country had previously left unresolved were soon to be resolved too. The social changes of the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era greatly affected the years that followed it as well. The American Civil War was different from many of the wars the United States had fought in at this time. Mostly this nation had only helped out in wars for other countries, or to just become one country itself. By the mid-1800s though, the separate areas of the U.S. had begun to develop diverse ideas regarding many important decisions. The separate areas of the Unites States quickly shifted into the North or the South. One of the matters in particular that the North and the South greatly disagreed on was slavery. [Slave owners] feared that the activities of abolitionists would make it more difficult to run their plantation system. Where possible they wanted to see an expansion of slavery into other areas. (Simkin 2) While the North believed it should be abolished, the South felt that the African American slaves were important to their economy. (Simkin 1-3) As the tensions rose between the North and South, the South began talks of seceding from the North and forming their own country. After Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas d... ...ns, the state of America was socially impacted. The social changes of the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era greatly affected the years that followed it as well. Works Cited Davis, Kenneth. Don't know much about the Civil War : Everything You Need to Know About America's Greatest Conflict But Never Learned . New York: William Morrow, 1996. Dudley, William. The Civil War: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1995. Nosotro, Rit. "USA Civil War: moral and social changes." The Amreican Civil War: A national redefinition. 3/28/2007. 28 Mar 2007 . Simkin, John. "American Civil War." American Civil War. 30 Apr 2007 . Stalcup, Brenda. Reconstruction: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1995.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Discriminatory Practice Essay
Infringement of rights: not respecting an individual’s rights and not letting them practice their culture. This can lead to individuals feeling devalued and very sad, which will affect their health. An example of this say for instance in a care home it was Eid and they was not allowed to celebrate it however all the other occasions were allowed, this would make an individual feel devalued and as if their needs or wants aren’t important, like their culture isn’t important this could lead to health problems as what they enjoy in their culture has been excluded and taken away from them. Covert use of power: hidden use of power to discriminate. This can lead health and social care professionals to treat someone differently from someone else. This means that a person may not get that same level of treatment, which may jeopardise their health and well-being. One example would be when people apply for job. Although one person may have the same experience and qualificati on as the other applicants they may not be shortlisted because of their skin colour, or sexuality etc. it’s harder to prove that covert discrimination is occurring but cases are regularly reported and is still happens. In a health and social care professional setting a health care worker may not give somebody the right medication at the right time, maybe due to the colour of their skin colour or their sexuality which they strongly feel opposed to. Overt use of power: openly using power to discriminate. This will have similar outcomes to covert abuse of power. However, if a person being treated notices that they are being discriminated against, it will have a negative impact on their recovery, their mental health issue to depression and it could make a negative impact on their recovery as they may worry about what they have even done in the first place to be getting this treatment. An example of over abuse of power could be if a health care worker tells a person they are too fat to live their 50s. Another example when a colleague is paid more than you, because of their gender, even though you are doing the same job with the same qualifications. It can also be found in the different treatment one person receives compared with another when there should be no difference at all. Prejudice: is prejudgment, or forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case. The word is often used to refer to preconceived, cynical ideas about another individual, arising from a per son’s negative ideas about that person, usually unfavourable, judgments toward people or a person because of gender, political opinion, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality or other personal characteristics. For example, more than 700 people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in 27 different countries were interviewed as part of International Study of Discrimination and Stigma Outcomes, 72 per cent of those interviewed said they felt the need to conceal their diagnosis. 64 per cent said the anticipation of discrimination stopped them applying for work, training or education programs and 55 per cent said it stopped them looking for a close relationship. In the health and social care sector could be care worker telling another care worker that he or she does not want to work with someone or get them over and done with as they don’t like them due to whatever reason may be. Stereotyping: assumptions made about an individual judged on their group, environment and it may not always be true and sometimes it is based on another persons or groups qualities and life, this is dangerous as it could make the service user feel depressed and mess them up mentally due to the ‘name callingâ⠂¬â„¢. For example, it may be a stereotype that Asian people love to eat rice. So according to this stereotype, if you are Asian, that automatically means that you will unconditionally love to eat rice. This can already show that generalizations made from stereotypes are not the most reliable to base your judgement on. Typically racial and ethnic group stereotypes come from some degree of prejudice thought. In a health and social care area this may occur when a health care worker sees a dark skinned black man and instantly think he is a thug so they chose not to assist them and move them on to someone else. Labelling: Labelling people refers to a form of prejudice and discrimination where a person allocates names to people on the basis of nationality, religion, ethnicity, gender, or some other group. Labelling of people represents a way of differentiating and identifying people. This practice is normally conducted on minority groups. For example, if you label someone who is wearing black as a Goth, you will assume them to be a depressing and dark-minded person, when in fact they might not be at all. This can lead to prejudice and discrimination. Labelling is basically a combination of all the other three things you have listed in your question, and is the ultimate form of ignorance and assumption. In the health and social care profession you need to be aware of this tendency to label people. Labelling thoughts may come into your head and everyone has these types of thoughts but it’s what you do with them that are important. By becoming aware of your labelling thoughts, you can control them and stop them interfering with your work. Another example in the health and social setting is if a care worker was having a conversation with another care worker and referring a service user as the ‘bimbo’ just because of the colour of their hair such as blond this would be labelling and it would distress the user. Bullying: Bullying is a persistent attempt to hurt or humiliate someone, it is a repeated action and deliberately hurtful. The person bullying is more powerful than the person bullied, making it hard for those being bullied to defend them. Bullying can occur in many different forms. It can be physical (hitting, pushing, and damaging others’ property); it can be verbal (name-calling, threats) or social (excluding someone, spreading rumours). Bullying is not only between children and not only in schools; can it happen at home, in organisations, at work or on the Internet. Bullying is often based on perceived differences, such as ethnicity, sex or disability, so young LGBT people evidently have a higher risk of being bullied. In a health care sector a health care worker may tell a service user that they needs to stop eating as they are already too fat. Abuse: Abuse is the improper usage or treatment of an entity, often to unfairly or improperly gain benefit. Abuse can come in many forms, such as: physical or verbal maltreatment, injury, assault, violation, rape, unjust practices; crimes, or other types of aggression. Abuse of authority, in the form of political corruption, is the use of legislated or otherwise authorized powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption. Neither are illegal acts by private persons or corporations not directly involved with the government. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties. Abuse of authority is separated from abu se of power in that the act is originally condoned, but is extended beyond that initially conceived and is in not all cases.
KSAO or Knowledge, Abilities, Skills, and Other Characteristics Essay
What does KSAO stand for with respect to training? Give one example for each letter in your explanation for the job of Professor of Human Resource Management. (Points : 35) KSAO or Knowledge, Abilities, Skills, and Other Characteristics (KSAO) tests are metrics used either during training or hiring processes to evaluate applicants and trainees. The KSAO will typically measure several areas of competency and will use a weighted metric for analysis. The following examples are what one might see in the explanation of the job of Professor of Human Resource Management. Knowledge- A degree of a PhD or higher in Human Resource Management would be a requirement in this area. Knowledge in a KSAO is typically measured in degrees of higher education and experience in the field in question. Skills- Typically, skills are measured by performance of competency tests. For instance, a Professor would need leadership skills and test could be devised that would test the leadership of the candidate. There are a variety of skills that may need to be tested for this position and each type of training would need to be customized for the competency in question, e.g., leadership, organization, management, etc†¦ Abilities- This area of the KSAO is typically measured by performance and the measure of one’s ability. The measure of competency will be based on answers derived from a position analysis questionnaire and or a management position description questionnaire (MPDQ). The position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) is organized into six areas of competency based on the job analysis formula for management positions in human resources: (1) information input (2) mental processes (3) work output (physical activities and tools) (4) relationships with others (5) job context (the physical and social environment) (6) other job characteristics (such as pace and structure) (PAQ, 2013) Using these metrics provide a clear view of the person’s abilities as required by the field of Professor of Human Resource Management. The concern with using KSAO in this manner is that competency modeling must be focused on the means of accomplishing tasks and duties rather than on what is accomplished or specific ways in which tasks or duties are accomplished (Bernardin, 2007). For this reason there must be a high level of consensus concerning the definition of competencies for the Professor of Human Resource Management. This can be a problematic area for measuring competencies because there is a great deal of crossover between the competencies necessary to perform a job and the particular traits or characteristics of the applicant (Bernardin, 2007). For this reason, KSAO must remain focused on the occupation. References Bernardin, H.J. Human Resource Management, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2007 PAQ. (2013). job analysis questionnaire. Retrieved from 2. (TCOs 2, 8). Explain the basic steps to conducting a person analysis and how a person analysis is used in a needs assessment. Do a very basic person analysis on either yourself or on your professor, based on the job you or he or she is currently employed in (and your common knowledge). (Points : 40) The process for a person analysis involves examining the factors that influence performance and learning. These factors are inclusive of the person’s characteristics: knowledge, skill, ability, and attitudes. These characteristics are typically measured through KSAO or Knowledge, Abilities, Skills, and Other Characteristics tests. These tests measure the basic skills that a person needs to perform their occupation. The KSAO works cohesively with the needs assessment. The basic steps involved in a person analysis include Input- the information or instructions that relate what employees need to know in order to perform their jobs. This area also includes the resources available to employees that help them perform their jobs. For example, my job with the government requires that I understand customer service policies which are outlined clearly in my service handbook. However, I often lack the ability to answer enough customer service questions due to the lack of information provided for answering certain questions. Output- this area refers to the job’s performance standards. At my job, we are expected to answer questions for customers and not to place them on hold for extended periods of time. All calls are measured by the standard of hold times which is expected to be less than 45 seconds. However, this metric is often failed by employees due to lack of information provided to service operators. Consequences- This area refers to the types of incentives that employees receive for performing well and also what they will not receive. For instance, at my job when callers are placed on hold for longer than 45 seconds, this action diminishes the ability of workers to receive bonuses at the end of the year. Feedback- This area refers to the ongoing information that employees receive in the performance of their jobs. At my job, we receive feed back, letting us know that we exceeded the standards for call wait times or if we have not met this standard. Feedback also goes back to the management in that they become aware of the situations. Through the steps in this analysis a need assessment can be constructed. In my situation, since I am not lacking in specific skills tested in the KSAO then I am in need of other tools to perform my job more efficiently. In this instance, there is a need for a greater access to information in order to meet the standards of the job. 3. (TCOs 3, 8). First, provide the meaning of the acronym SMART with respect to training goals. Then, consider these four training objectives. Rewrite them as two SMART training goals. a) The use of the software and documentation for better management tools to utilize with the system. b) The trainee will be able to explain the flow of data to other systems and begin to understand the administrative time spent on corrections. c) A better understanding by the trainees of the deadlines and the expectations involved in those deadlines. d) The trainee will learn some effective time management shortcuts and will understand the guidelines in using those shortcuts. (Points : 40) Using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed to, Realistic an d Time phased) as the basis for training goals, a training program is designed to create training outcomes in which the goals are specific or focused (not too broad), measurable (comparable with standards set), agreed to (all members of the organization including the trainee recognize the importance of the training), realistic (the standards for measuring training are achievable), and time phased (training has a beginning and end which provides that the trainee has accomplished the training.) The SMART method can be seen in the following examples: A) The use of the software and documentation for better management tools to utilize with the system. SMART (specific): Trainees need to learn to use the computer software in order to provide more accurate information for decision making. SMART (time phased) The training for this computer learning will begin in April and end in June. b) The trainee will be able to explain the flow of data to other systems and begin to understand the administrative time spent on corrections. SMART (Measurable) trainees will complete a skills assessment at the end of the training which will reflect their ability to explain the flow of data to other systems. SMART (Realistic) The process of implementation will be ongoing even after training is completed this will help develop the understanding of the administrative time spent on corrections c) A better understanding by the trainees of the deadlines and the expectations involved in those deadlines . SMART (Measurable) Trainees will need to take an assessment that shows they have developed and understanding of the deadline process. (Agreed to) This test will also measure the trainees understanding of the importance of meeting deadlines through this process. d) The trainee will learn some effective time management shortcuts and will understand the guidelines in using those shortcuts. SMART (Specific) Trainees will need to learn effective time management skills and the 12 shortcuts and guidelines for using those shortcuts. SMART (Measurable) Each trainee will be tested at the end of their training and will need to show that they can utilize these shortcuts within the guidelines stated. 4. (TCO 4, 5, 6) You are a training manager for a midsized corporation. You are working on a training proposal for your HR director when you get a call from the manager of the accounting department. He states that he needs training done for his team, which will assist it in learning the newest version of the Peachtree accounting software. He mentions that his boss, the CFO, told him to put together a proposal for training that incl uded a way to measure transfer of training. He is panicked and says, â€Å"First of all, I don’t know what transfer of training is, and second, how can I measure it?†What will you tell him? (Points : 40) I would explain to the manager that Transfer of training is a concept which is defined as the use of knowledge or abilities that were acquired in one area being useful in other areas of problem solving or occupation. For instance, trainees who are learning the new software from Peachtree will also be able to learn other aspects of accounting during this process. These skills are directly transferrable to other occupations within the accounting department. In order to measure transfer of training, job descriptions will need to be assessed for overlaps in skills and knowledge requirements. For instance, some working in payroll will undoubtedly need to understand tax requirements which are transferrable to jobs working in tax areas. Once the overlaps are found training can be assessed to see how much knowledge is transferrable between jobs. This information can be used to strategically design training programs that maximize time and cost. 5. (TCO 7) Explain one similarity and one difference between training and performance management and between training and succession planning. Does training have a part of either performance management or succession planning? If so, give one example each. If not, explain why not. (Points : 40) Succession planning, performance management, and training are all similarly related in that they are proactive in their efforts to create a pool of highly qualified and talented personnel. Training attempts to increase the ability of personnel while performance management governs what is needed from training in order to bolster the ability of personnel to perform their jobs, e.g., compensation, knowledge, resources, etc†¦ Succession planning uses performance management and training assessments in order to determine which employees will be the best fit for taking over management positions. However, there is a difference between these management systems in that they are focused on accomplishing independent goals. Training seeks to make employees better at their jobs while performance management measures their ability to assess where changes might be needed. Succession planning is goal oriented in finding the best candidates for future positions but not in the process of training or measuring them in their current positions. For example: training a customer service representative is focused on making the representative the best that he or she can be in that position. The performance of the customer service representative is measure through metrics to determine if the individual is performing adequately and if not what areas are deficient. This metric can be used to make a needs assessment and determine what the person needs to perform better, i.e., more training. The succession planning will use data from training metrics and from performance management in order to determine if the person is the right candidate for a customer supervisor position.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Benefits of security awareness training
Security in information systems training has come to be one of the most needed requirements in an organization. As Acquisti (2008) explains, in today’s fast moving and technically fragile environment safe communication systems are required to be secure in order to benefit both the company and the society as a whole. This fact needs to be clearly highlighted so that adequate measures be implemented not only to fosters the organization’s daily business transactions but also ensure that the much needed security procedures are implemented within the accepted companies code of ethics and thorough training given.Think of a case where company’s data is exposed to malicious attacker, this situation is constantly increasing especially among the security illiterate staff having access to sensitive and secretes business information. This information can be like sensitive company’s data, browsing the company’s website through an insecure gateway, receiving emai ls from suspicious sources and the threat posed by Instant messaging (IM). This paper aims at giving a critical review on the benefits of security awareness training on IT systems to an organization.Provide better protection for assets We need to help employees identify potential threats since this is one of the most valuable technical advantages a society can get (Brancik, 2008). We need to provide updated information to our staff on the new security risks that have been discovered. The staffs need also to be updated on the current technology so that they easily are aware of security breaches within the e-commerce environment.Furthermore employees, Brancik, (2008) asserts, business partners, and contractors should be informed that the data on their mobile phone devices and computers portable document format (PDFs), smart phones and thumb drives though are devices that are of value are vulnerable to security breaches so that they are alert whenever a security threat is discovered wi thin their systems. This can enhance swift action to be taken by the IT professionals to cap the situation. Save moneyAccording to Pfleeger and Pfleeger (2007), to reduce the number and extend in security breaches then training is vital. If a security breach is discovered sooner then ways of dealing with it promptly can be devised. , cost to notify customers of breaches, Cost to recovering data altered or lost during an a security breach, non-compliance fines and lost productivity, lost customers(indirect costs), resolving breaches and hoaxes ,time spent investigating) will reduce.These enables control measures to be added into systems other than adding them into the system that has been installed. Coordination and measuring of all security awareness, education, training should be enhances while duplication of effort is reduced (Pfleeger and Pfleeger, 2007). Improving the Competitive Advantage of your organization and protection of its brand One of the factors in the world of commer ce that is focused on by almost all companies is the ability to gain a competitive edge over similar companies.As explained by Killmeyer (2006) customers should be informed that your organization is considerate in protecting their data. Take a situation where Barclays Bank received when the management decided to protect customers installing ATMs that hides the users’ identity from its printout transaction receipt, if a malicious user were to gain access to unprotected receipt (having users identity and password) what harm will he do to customers’ account?
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Development of Transcendentalism
The resistance of some ministers and congregations in Boston and eastern Massachusetts to key doctrines of Calvinism started to divide the New England Puritan churches during the mid-1700s. Calvinism centered on the doctrines of John Calvin whose theology emphasized the absolute nature of sovereignty of God and the certainty of human depravity (Robinson). The religious divisions became significant because they resulted to the establishment of a religious liberalism movement that eventually called Unitarianism (Robinson).The Unitarianism movement became the center of various well-established churches in Boston and at Harvard College. It allowed the liberals to achieve cultural and intellectual influence that exceeded their small numbers and played a significant role in the formation of a powerful American liberal tradition in literature, education, politics, and the arts (Robinson). The political and literary movement of transcendentalism was formed in the 1830s and 1840s because of t he movement of liberal theology in Boston (Robinson).The goal of the Unitarianism was to spread its message of human capability and positive spiritual development even though it continued to be in conflict with its Calvinist opponents (Robinson). However, several younger Unitarian ministers started to take a different approach to the problem concerning religious knowledge, including Ralph Waldo Emerson (Robinson). Emerson, who was the leader of the Transcendentalist movement, considered that the transcendental law was the moral law through which people discovered the living spirit of God (â€Å"Transcendentalism†).He published his book, titled â€Å"Nature†in 1836, which formed a novel way of intellectual thinking in the United States (â€Å"Transcendentalism†). He suggested a theory of religion based on intuition instead of empirical evidence, which explains that the religious sentiment is deeply rooted into the nature of mind itself (Robinson). He insisted th e relation between mind and nature because both were instruments of a divine energy that formed reality and provided value and significance (Robinson).Emerson shifted into the role of freelance lecturer and followed his book â€Å"Nature†with two lectures at Harvard: â€Å"The American Scholar†and the â€Å"Divinity School Address†(Robinson). He also published two books about his developing philosophy, â€Å"Essays†(1841) and â€Å"Essays: Second Series (1844) (Robinson). In the â€Å"Divinity School Address,†Emerson pointed out the criticism of the traditional preaching during Emerson’s time and its consideration of a universally available capability of the religious sentiment rather than mediated by the church or by the supernatural intervention of Jesus (Robinson).The transcendentalist philosophy of Emerson is a religion of the spiritually liberated heart and mind, unbounded by party or church (Erickson viii). Emerson urged in his l ecture, titled â€Å"The American Scholar,†to remove America’s two-hundred-year-long reliance on European thought and to realize oneself as a civilization who can think his or her own thought and can create his or her own philosophy, poetry and vision of life (Ericson viii). His religion is described as a metaphysical idealism in which the material universe is only the appearance of underlying divine unity expressed in various individuals (Ericson x).He also visualized religions as an emotional interaction between the unitary spiritual power of goodness called â€Å"Oversoul†and an individual soul (â€Å"Transcendentalism†). Emerson also referred â€Å"Oversoul†to spirit of God as the most significant thing in the world (â€Å"Transcendentalism†). Several works by other individuals who believed in transcendentalist movement were also published in 1836, the year when the book â€Å"Nature†was also published.These included William H enry Furness’ â€Å"Remarks of the Four Gospels,†Convers Francis’ â€Å"Christianity as a Purely Internal Principle,†and Amos Bronson Alcott’s â€Å"Conversations with Children on the Gospels†(Robinson). One of the key legacies of Transcendentalism is the â€Å"The Dial,†a journal edited by Emerson and Margaret Fuller to offer a venue of expression for transcendental writing (Robinson). â€Å"The Dial†published poetry, book reviews and fiction as well as preaching and theological writings and commentary about social and political reform (Robinson).It also provided a chance for transcendentalists such as Emerson, Theodore Parker, Fuller, Amos Bronson Alcott, Christopher Pearse Cranch, Jones Very, and Henry David Thoreau to have a place in the literary movement in New England (Robinson). Thoreau often helped Emerson in copyediting and preparing the publication of â€Å"The Dial†magazine (Robinson). His involvement in â€Å"The Dial†magazine provided him a chance to know every detail of publishing operations and an exposure to the writing of his contemporaries (Robinson).Emerson and Thoreau played an important role in the emergence of New England Transcendentalism by representing it in the United States. They influenced other writers to apply transcendental ideas in their works (â€Å"Transcendentalism†). Thoreau’s book, titled â€Å"Walden,†or â€Å"Life in the Woods,†published in 1845 turned out to be a literary and environmental classic. It reflected on the dual identity of Thoreau as a poet-seer and a skillfull and grounded realist (Robinson). In addition to â€Å"Walden†, Thoreau published his â€Å"Journal†and various key nature essays such as â€Å"Walking,†â€Å"Wild Apples,†and â€Å"Autumnal Tints†in 1862.These publications focused on Emerson’s characterization of the spiritual importance of the natural world and the preservation of nature (Robinson). Thoreau became the original literary voice in a significant tradition of environmental writing and American nature (Robinson). He represented an American culture’s longing for the simpler life, symbolizing an increasing collective desire for a freedom from a society described as meaningless work and full of material consumption (Robinson).His writings during the 1960s and 1970s focused on the enhancement of the environmental ethic during that time (Robinson). According to Reuben, the basic premises of Transcendentalism are that: an individual is the spiritual center of the universe, acceptance of the neo-Platonic conception of nature as a living mystery, similarity between the structure of the universe and the structure of the individual self, and the belief that individual virtue and happiness rely on self-realization.The author also mentions the reasons behind the emergence of American Transcendentalism, which include the co ntinuous decline in Calvinism, the impact of science and technology on the advancement of secularization of modern thought, the rise of a Unitarian intellectual elite with the means and training to continue literature and scholarship, the growing irrelevance of liberal religion, the effect of European ideas on Americans traveling abroad, and the appearance of talented individuals such as Emerson, Fuller and Thoreau on the scene.The significance of the Transcendentalism is the manifestation of a romantic movement in philosophy and literature (â€Å"Transcendentalism†). Transcendentalism became an ethical guide to positive life and focused on the positive side of human nature. Moreover, it emphasized the tolerance of difference in religious belief and asserted on the importance of dignity and worth of the individual as a powerful tool for democracy (â€Å"Transcendentalism†).The transcendentalists played an important role in giving American culture its first distinctive voice in literature, bringing artistic undertaking and aesthetic appreciation in culture and providing advancement on several issues such as the cause of social justice and human rights (Robinson).
Friday, September 13, 2019
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING - Essay Example For the purpose of understanding the importance of marginal costing system in the firm, let us start with the very fundamentals of marginal costing. Marginal costing is the system of ascertaining the marginal cost and its use for decision making. Marginal cost is the extra cost incurred for producing an additional output. The extra cost incurred usually is the one which is likely to change in direct proportion to the change in output. Such costs are known as variable cost and hence the costing system is also called variable costing system. The basic idea behind marginal costing system is that all variable costs are deducted from the sales to find out the contribution ( from which fixed expenses is later deducted to ascertain the profit) on the plea that fixed cost remains constant irrespective of the volume of output or sales. There are many applications of marginal costing in manufacturing concern. One of such applications is the decision with regard to the make or buy decision. In the make or buy decision, the management accountant undertakes a cost benefit analysis. Such a decision making requires the firm to know through marginal costing what contributes to fixed costs will result from a make decision. The points to be taken care of at the time of make or buy decision are: When the capacity is available it cannot be utilized for manufacture of other products, then the purchase cost is compared with the marginal cost or total cost is compared with the purchase cost plus fixed cost of manufacture to take the decision to make or buy. When the capacity is available and it can be utilized for manufacture of other products, the purchase price is compared with the marginal cost of the product and plus opportunity cost, i.e., the loss of contribution of other product replace When there is no additional capacity available and it is proposed to acquire additional facilities for
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Secret reserve accounting is likely to create conflict between Essay
Secret reserve accounting is likely to create conflict between management, shareholders and employees - Essay Example It would represent the surplus of available assets over the capital and liabilities. It is not apparent in the ledger too. Creating secret reserves is likely to strengthen the financial situation of the organisation concerned. The actual financial position and the financial position observed through the balance sheet would be different – the financial position of the company would be stronger than its apparent situation on records. As a result, conflicting inferences are likely to be obtained when it comes to secret reserve accounting. Creating secret reserves will definitely involve the management, some of the employees and the shareholders are likely to remain in dark. Secret reserve accounting will not show even under the suspense account and affect the capital flow in a concealed fashion. Undervaluation of available assets, omitting the rise in asset values, providing extra depreciation on the assets that are fixed, etc. are the methods of secret reserve accounting. In thi s context, the question is in the form of the following statement: Secret reserve accounting is likely to create conflict between management, shareholders and employees. – Critically discuss. ... After that, the various conflict scenarios between the management, shareholders and employees will be critically discussed. Last, the conclusion will be drawn with the final opinion about the research statement. Literature Review The academic literature in the context of secret reserves reveals interesting opinions and scholastic approaches. First, a view on the nature and scope of secret reserve as an accounting term should be considered. â€Å"Secret reserves – this accounting term has been made to cover a multitude of sins: whenever objection is taken to pessimistic writing off of invested values, or disproportionate charges of depreciation, or again to charges to operations or revenue, for capital expenditures which should have been applied to the increase of assets, the answer is, secret reserves.†(Esquerre, 1978) So if the owner of a corporation is creating secret reserve and implementing related accounting practices, his/her capital assets have likely been knock ed down into the pit of secret reserves and that their book value, as it stood at the time, was likely preposterous. Hence the questions in issue would be: Does the owner want to deceive the shareholders, the government, the public or his own self? Does he wish to submit to the directors, the shareholders, the banks and the public, financial statements with a mental footnote to the effect that things are not in truth what they would show on their face? And if it is well to hide the owner’s wealth from some people (in his perspective), can it be believed that anyone capable of reading balance sheets is not in a position to follow accounting facts from year to year, and to point out fluctuations in wealth not supported by the statement of income submitted, and thus unearth secret
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Chapter 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chapter 2 - Essay Example o is expected to do promotional activities or fieldwork that may necessitate stamina or to be on toes all the time, than the best fit would be a good ability-job fit (Robbins, Judge and Campbell). 3) Working with older people helps one to learn better since one can learn from the experience they have gained over the years to which in turn would be of great benefit. One is better able to analyze the organizational situations that may otherwise have taken longer to reach any decisions (Robbins, Judge and Campbell). 4) I have been given the opportunity to choose for myself. Similarly, I will give a chance to my children to choose for themselves too. The reason behind this is that it allows people to be satisfied with what they are doing and this job satisfaction is important for an employee in order to perform well (Robbins, Judge and Campbell). 5). One of the important factors for job satisfaction is to have a job that is secure. Similarly, it is also important that the flow of communication with senior management is satisfying. The job benefits and contingency to use the abilities and skills that I have developed adds to job satisfaction (Robbins, Judge and Campbell
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